No. 590.
Mr. Baker
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Caracas, April 21, 1883. (Received May 3.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 659, relative to the case of Mr. John E. Wheelock, I have to say that I have received a note from Mr. Seijas respecting that case. On going from the legation to my house between 6 and 7 on the evening of the 29th ultimo (the date of my said No. 659), I found that Mr. Seijas’s note had been sent there late that evening, together with another note from him, relative to the claim on behalf of the “Venezuelan Steam Transportation Company.” I at the time fully expected to send copies and translations of both by this mail; but the matter involved in each refers to one or two decrees, which, for full and accurate understanding, should accompany the one or the other, and [Page 908] with this accompaniment I am not able to send either by this mail, but will surely send both by the next.
The aforesaid note of Mr. Seijas, respecting the Wheelock case, appears to me to offer small prospect of a spontaneous and direct agreement between the views of this Government and those indicated by the Department relative to this case.
Your dispatch numbered 215, respecting the same case, was received on the 17th instant. In conversation with Mr. Seijas, on the 18th instant, I told him I had received another strong dispatch from my Government relative to that case, and, reminding him of this in an interview with him to-day. * * *
I am, &c.,