No. 588.
Mr. Baker
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Caracas, March 29, 1883. (Received April 13.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatches relative to the case of Mr. John E. Wheelock, I have to say that having not yet received any further indication from Mr. Seijas respecting that case, in conversation with him on the 26th instant I drew his attention to his indication on the 27th ultimo that he would bring it before the cabinet as urgent business. He said he would write me about the case before the steamer leaves, meaning the steamer which leaves on the 30th instant.
Then, after making some suitable preliminary remarks, I read to him, distinctly and in full, your dispatch No. 208, of date 24th ultimo, which I had received the preceding day, Sunday, the 25th instant, and gave him a copy. After finishing the reading of the dispatch, I said to him that in conformity with that instruction I respectfully but earnestly requested and urged that this case be brought to a just conclusion as soon as possible. He said in reply that he would lay it before the Government next morning, which would be the morning of the 27th instant.
I am not aware what more I could do on this occasion, in execution of your instructions. As to my reading it to Mr. Seijas, and giving him a copy, it appears to me that that was proper, as being the most certain, unmistakable, and efficient means of advising this Government of the sense and urgency of ours respecting the matter in question.
Having written the foregoing, I arrested the finishing of this dispatch until the last moment, awaiting the note of Mr. Seijas. It has not arrived.* * *
I am, &c.,