No. 482.
Mr. Halderman to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Bangkok, January 16, 1883. (Received March 16.)
Sir: Commander Bellion, of the French navy, and a corps of engineers sent out, as they represent, by the Suez Canal Company and Mr. Ferdinand de Lesseps, to make survey of the Isthmus of Kraw, in the interest of the projected ship-canal across the Malay Peninsula, left this port yesterday for their field of operations in a vessel provided by the Siamese Government.
While in Bangkok they were guests of the French commissaire $ were eceived by His Majesty the King; were entertained at this legation, [Page 756] and were the recipients of many courtesies from native and foreign officials.
It is believed that this expedition will report upon the practicability and cost of the enterprise, and that upon this report will depend future action. No concession has yet been granted by the Siamese Government.
I have, &c.,