No. 435.
Mr. Davis to Mr. Cayetano Romero.

Sir: I have the pleasure to transmit to you, for the information of the Mexican Government, the inclosed copy* of a letter from the War Department of the 13th instant, covering an unsigned telegram, but which is understood to have been sent by Brig. Gen. George Crook, United States Army, and from which it will appear that, in his recent and successful operations against the hostile Chiricahuas in Mexico, General Crook manifested a zealous observance of the spirit of the agreement between the United States and Mexico of July 29, 1882, which provides for the reciprocal crossing of the frontier by troops of either Government in pursuit of hostile Indians.

Accept, &c.,

Acting Secretary.
  1. See inclosure to instructions to Mr. Morgan, No. 422, June 23, page 661.