No. 43.
Mr. Logan to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 62.]

Sir: You are doubtless aware that a long-deferred treaty of peace between Spain and Chili has recently been signed. The full completion of restored relations between the countries named has just taken place at Valparaiso. The Spanish Government sent a man-of-war, named the Navas de Tolosa to Chili, which vessel arrived here on the 3d instant. A formal salute to the Chilian flag by this ship on the following day was returned by the Chilian authorities. Since then the officers of the Navas have been entertained at an official banquet given by the intend-ente of Valparaiso. Speeches of the most friendly character have been made upon this and other occasions, and there is much enthusiasm displayed over the events.

As reported to you in some of my Central American dispatches, Spain has changed her policy towards her former colonies, and the purpose to draw them into the bonds of commercial friendship is now plainly manifested.* * * Let us hope that the present peace will be enduring.

I have, &c.,