No. 413.
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 651.]

Sir: Your telegram of the 5th instant authorizing me to conclude an agreement with the Mexican Government by which the agreement entered into between the United States and Mexico on the 29th July, 1882, and which expires, by the terms of the protocol thereto, on the 18th of August next, should be extended one year from the date stated in the agreement as it was originally entered into, or one year from the 18th August next, was received by me in the evening of the same day.

The following morning I addressed a note to Señor Fernandez, in which I communicated to him the contents thereof. This note I delivered in person; Señor Fernandez said that he would immediately place the matter before the President. The next day he wrote me that he had complied with his promise, and that, under instructions from the President, he had made the application to the Senate which is necessary to authorize the agreement. This I acquainted you with, by cable, on the 7th instant.

On the 17th instant I received a note from Señor Fernandez, dated 15th, in which he informed me that the Senate had given the authorization to the President which had been asked. He stated that if I were authorized to make the agreement, he was ready to enter into it.

On the 19th of June I wrote to him (Fernandez) saying to him that I was authorized, and that I would meet him for the purpose on any day which would suit his convenience. He fixed Thursday, the 28th instant, and at 6 p.m. of that day I repaired to the department for foreign affairs, and there signed the agreement, which I inclose herewith.

I am, sir, &c.,

[Page 663]
[Inclosure in No. 651.]

mexico.—reciprocal right to pursue savage indians across boundary line.

Agreement between the United States and Mexico for the prolongation of agreement signed at Washington July 29, 1882.

(Signed and exchanged at the city of Mexico June 29, 1883.)

Memorandum of an agreement entered into in behalf of their respective Governments, by Philip H. Morgan, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, and José Fernandez, oficial mayor of the department for foreign affairs of Mexico, and in charge thereof, for the prolongation of the agreement entered into between their respective Governments by Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and Matias Romero, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mexico, at Washington, on the twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and the protocol thereto attached, signed by the same parties in their aforesaid respective capacities, of the twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, which provides for the reciprocal crossing, in the unpopulated or desert parts of the international boundary line, by the regular federal troops of the respective Governments, in pursuit of savage hostile Indians.

Only Article. It is agreed that the agreement entered into between the United States of America, therein represented by Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, their Secretary of State, and the Mexican Republic, therein represented by Matias Romero, their envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, at Washington, on the twenty-ninth day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and the protocol thereto, signed by the same parties as above named and in their respective capacities as aforesaid, on the twenty-first day of September, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, which provides for the reciprocal crossing, in the unpopulated or desert parts of the international boundary line, by the regular federal troops of the respective Governments, in pursuit of savage hostile Indians, which said agreement, as well as the protocol thereto, expires on the eighteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, be and the same is hereby prorogued, in all of its parts, conditions, and stipulations, for one year from the eighteenth of August, eighteen hundred and eighty-three: That is to say, until the eighteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and eighty-four.

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