No. 405.
Mr. Morgan
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Mexico, June 4, 1883. (Received June 21.)
Sir: On the receipt of your telegram of the 25th of May last, informing me that I might cause “amparo” proceedings to be instituted for the protection of Captain Caleb, of the Adriana, and employ proper counsel for his defense, and that of the vessel, in the appellate court, I called on Señor Romero Rubio and submitted the question to him.
On the 2d instant Señor Rubio, in a note of that date, informed me that in his opinion, the case must be prosecuted at Culiacan, before the circuit court.
Señor Rubio kindly offered to recommend to me some friends of his in Culiacan should the case go there on appeal, but as I have been informed that Captain Caleb was already provided with competent counsel (see my dispatch No. 634, May 30, 1883), I have not considered it necessary to accept of his kind offer.
I am, &c.,