No. 389.
Mr. Morgan
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Mexico, March 6, 1883. (Received March 19.)
Sir: I have now to report that on the receipt of your dispatch No. 558, 29th January, 1883, I addressed a note to Señor Mariscal in which I called the attention of the Mexican Government to the seizure of the American schooner Adriana, and the arrest and imprisonment of her captain (Caleb), mate, and crew, and in which I at the same time requested the immediate release of the vessel, her master, mate, and crew.
In Señor Mariscal’s reply, dated the 19th February, 1883, while he informs me that the question of the legality of the seizure of the vessel has been referred to the department of Hacienda, he is silent as to the request that the vessel be released from seizure, and the captain, mate, and crew be liberated.
I am, &c.,