On the 6th instant these bodies met in joint convention, the honorable the
Vice-President of the Republic presiding, for the purpose of hearing read
the annual message of the President.
This document was read by the secretary of state on account of the illness of
the President, who is believed to be threatened with paralysis.
Aside from the matter of the money of the state, currency, and the British
debt, the important features of the message are the reference made to the
appointment by Her Majesty’s Government of a consul to Liberia for the
specific purpose of settlement of the long pending northwest boundary
matter; the collection of the revenue and its economical use; the matter of
a contemplated loan; education; and relations between Liberians (citizens)
and aborigines.
Perhaps no questions will arise in the deliberations of the legislature which
will be of greater interest, more far reaching in their consequences, and
upon which there is at present greater fixedness of purpose to resist any
thing other than a just compromise in the one case, and acceptance in the
other, than the yielding of the nation’s rights in their northwest
territory, and the proposed loan of £400,000.
As to education, popular, there is a growing interest in this matter, which
is so general that the masses are making the subject of education of their
children, and in many instances the native children, a matter of
conversation, although there does not exist any well-defined public-school
system; and in the existing schools the provisions for female training are
much inferior to that of males.
The distinguished and scholarly president of Liberia College, with Professor
Freeman, and the co-operative influence of an earnest executive committee of
that institution, have placed it upon such a basis as that it is destined to
be of incalculable benefit to the Republic and to Africa if the nation and
the friends of the institution in America are but true to the race.
It was unpleasant to find, during my first appointment, soon after I entered
upon my office, that there had existed in the early history of this state,
and down to a comparatively recent period, marked antipodal relations
between the aboriginal negro and the descendants of this race who had
returned to this portion of Africa;* but I am
happy to bear testimony to the fact that such relations have undergone a
happy change, as is plainly shown by the infrequency of wars between
Libe-rian citizens and natives (absence of war); the overtures made lately
by the powerful King of Medina for a closer union between his state and the
Republic; recent marriages between Liberians and aborigines; the cessation
of native hostilities among the Gala and Pessy tribes to
[Page 611]
the east of Monrovia and beyond the civilized
settlements; the termination of war between the Vey and Gallenas people,
Which had been carried on for more than five years in the disputed territory
and the late signing of a treaty of peace and acknowledgment of the
authority of Liberia.
As to the legislation of unredeemed currency into gold, or the dispensing
with a subsisting obligation entered into between the state and its
creditors—in other language, the repudiation of the money of the state—I
have good reasons to doubt any such suicidal act on the part of the
Please find inclosure (1) message.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 16.]
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of
You have assembled again for the purpose of taking into consideration
matters of the state, and for the enactment of such laws as may be
deemed best for the welfare of the nation.
In the discharge of the duty incumbent upon me at the opening of your
session, I have the gratification to say, first, that the past year has
been crowned with marked indications of national prosperity, as well as
of individual thrift and enterprise.
Agricultural activity has not only kept pace with but has considerably
exceeded-that of the last several years, both as to the quantity, as
also the variety of the productions. The rice crop, as well as that of
breadstuff’s generally, has been unusually favorable, while the
exportable articles of coffee, sugar, rubber, palm oil, palm kernels,
cam wood, &c., have never been shipped in such large quantities
before. This increase is owing partly to the favorable seasons which we
have had, partly to the growing industry of our citizens, and partly to
the extension of our intercourse with the interior tribes, from whence
quantities of rubber, cam wood, and ivory, far in excess of those of
former years, are brought down to our markets.
foreign relations.
Nothing has occurred during the year to interrupt the friendly relations
between this Republic and foreign nations; so far from it, they have
been considerably extended in this direction. I have to mention that His
Majesty, Don Alphonso XII, King of Spain, in the early part of the year,
gave evidence of his regard for and interest in the Republic of Liberia
by tendering to your chief executive the national Order of Isabel the
Catholic. In June last the illustrious American President of the United
States of Venezuela, General Antonio Guzman Blanco, was pleased to
transmit to me, as your President, a first class (great cross) diploma
and decoration of the bust of the Liberator, and at the same time
expressed a warm desire to see the good relations existing between the
two countries strengthened and enlarged.
About the same time President Salomon of the Haytian Republic was pleased
to forward a first-class diploma of the national order of that state for
the President of Liberia. These are some of the many expressions of
increasing interest in and appreciation of the arduous work in which we
are engaged, in building up a Christian state in the land of our
The Government of the United States of America has also afforded a
renewed evidence of the friendly attitude of that nation toward Liberia,
in the speedy supply of the vacancy caused by the lamented death of the
late Hon. Henry Highland Garnet, minister resident and consul-general
for that country at the seat of this Government.
The Hon. John H. Smith, LL. D., who only about two months before the
occurrence of this sad event just mentioned had closed a term of
diplomatic service,
[Page 612]
appreciated by the Department at Washington, and highly acceptable to
this Republic, has been returned to fill the important post for which he
is so well qualified.
Her Majesty’s Government of Great Britain, anxious to remove out of the
way everything that can possibly be the cause of the least friction in
the friendly relations so long existing between that Empire and this
infant state, saw fit to renew the appointment of British consulate for
Liberia, which had been vacant for the last several years, and to invest
the appointee with authority to visit this Government with the view of
effecting a solution of the long-pending question of the northwest
boundary of this Republic, as well as to inquire into certain alleged
claims of British subjects, for property said to have been destroyed by
the trdops of Liberia in a campaign against certain Gallinas tribes in
1871. His excellency Arthur E. Havelock, C. M. G., governor of Her
Majesty’s West African settlements, was appointed said consul. He
arrived in this city in March last and met the Liberian commissioners,
Hon. W. M. Davis and E. W. Blyden, who with himself held a session of
four days. Questions-and points having arisen during the conference that
could not be settled without legislative action, the whole matter is
referred to your honorable body, and I trust you will give it the
attention due to so important a subject at the earliest date possible.
As I shall make a special communication to you in connection with the
papers to be laid before you on this question. I need not dwell upon it
in this document.
The honorable secretary of the treasury will submit to you a report of
the financed of the country. Under this head I need only refer you to
the urgent necessity, set forth in my last annual message, for the
passage of an act making all customs dues, payable in gold or silver
coin, while giving to the currency now in circulation the capacity of
legal tender in private contracts, and for all other Government
The passage of such a law ought to be followed by retrenchment to the
extent of one-tenth in the salaries of officials and the current
expenses of Government. These measures, together with a faithful
collection of the revenue, and a rigid economy in the disbursement
thereof, would soon place the financial department of the country in a
safe and healthy condition, and afford every year a considerable surplus
to be paid on the indebtedness of the state. In advising retrenchment,
gentlemen, I would by no means convey the impression that I regard the
salaries now paid to Government officials exorbitant; so far from it I
deem them quite insufficient. But there are times, in the history of
most nations when citizens must evince their patriotism by making
sacrifices for the welfare of the state. Such a time, in my opinion, has
arrived in Liberia, and I feel confident in making the assertion that
there is a large measure of high-toned patriotism diffused throughout
the masses of this Republic, that in an emergency will assert itself,
arise to the surface, and sustain the Government in any reasonable
measure that you may adopt for the good of the nation and the promotion
of our republican institutions. And 1 believe further that every good
citizen of this-commonwealth would rather render official service for
half pay and see the Government credit restored and brought to a healthy
financial condition, than to insist on a large salary, which would
precipitate a humiliating aspect of national bankruptcy.
You will observe that among other measures I mention the prompt and
faithful collection of the revenue as a means to effect the relief of
Government so much desired. It is stated, on very good authority I
understand, that not more than two-thirds of the revenue are collected;
that if the Government had the full benefit of its customs dues and
property tax there would be no lack of means to carry out all the
purposes, of the state.
Two years ago I called your attention to this matter, and urged the
adoption of the bonded-warehouse system as one likely to remedy some of
the defects connected with the operations of the present one. I must
again respectfully urge that you spare no pains in endeavoring to
inaugurate more effective measures for securing the revenue of the
I must not fail to mention under this head, also, the importance of so
amending the revenue laws as to impose, higher duties on the importation
and sale of alcoholic liquors, gunpowder, fire-arms, and tobacco. The
fearful evils inflicted upon this infant state by the large introduction
of the first-named destructive agencies are too-apparent to require any
comment here. Many of the tribal difficulties among the aborigines, and
most of the late irregularities in one section of the Republic among the
civilized inhabitants, leading to the destruction of valuable life, may
be attributed mainly to the free use of alcohol.
The great importation of rum and gin into this country, which has been
going on for the last number of years, is not only productive of
disorder among the aborigines in our territory, but is also destroying
much precious life, laying waste valuable intellect,
[Page 613]
engendering a spirit of idleness and
thriftlessness among hitherto industrious tribes, and rapidly consuming
the wealth of the land. I appeal to you, fellow citizens, in your
legislative capacity, to look these facts fairly in the face; consider
the ponderous mass of evils with which they are burdening the state, and
check, if you cannot wholly remove, the sad consequences being entailed upon us by
A report on the state and condition of the common schools of the Republic
will be laid before you by the honorable secretary of the interior.
Notwithstanding the disadvantages under which the schools have had to
labor during the year, yet much has been accomplished. And it is the
cherished object of the Government to place the advantages of a
common-school education within the reach of every child in the country.
Your honorable body, seeing the importance of this, will, I feel sure,
make the necessary appropriation for books and salaries to carry out the
same. The Liberia College, through the indefatigable efforts of the
executive committee and faculty, especially Prof. Martin H. Freeman, M.
A., who in the absence of the President has charge of the institution,
is progressing finely. Great credit is due to the untiring and devoted
energy of this able professor, but for whose presence at the college
there would have been a total suspension of its operations during the
greater portion of the year.
It is with great pleasure that I am able to add at this point, from
information that has come to hand since writing the above, that much
good is likely to accrue to the institution from the present visit of
Dr. Blyden to the United States. The increase of the corps of
professors, the addition of a female department, and the revival of a
general interest in it on the part of its friends in that country, which
he is endeavoring to effect, will add greatly to the efficiency of the
college, and render it an invaluable boon to West Africa. By referring
to the report of the secretary of the interior you will notice several
important suggestions for the improvement of the educational interests
of the state which are worthy of your serious attention. I refer
especially to the establishment by Government of high schools in the
several counties on the manual labor system, the providing of female
academies, and the endowment of several scholarships in connection with
the Liberia College, to embrace the sciences, medicine, civil
engineering, and jurisprudence. The great importance, yea the absolute
necessity for a more general diffusion of knowledge among the people of
this commonwealth, if we would preserve and perpetuate our civil
institutions, is so generally admitted by you that I will not dilate
upon the subject at this time.
I regret to be under the necessity of informing your honorable body that
the judiciary department of the state has recently been subjected to the
loss of the services of one of the oldest judges in the country. I refer
to the resignation of Hon. Beverly Page Yates, late judge of the
quarterly court of Meontsewado County, in consequence of the failure of
his health. And here again I must repeat a recommendation in my last
message, to the effect that you may make some provisions by law which
will allow a judge, in case of failure of health, to be relieved
temporarily for foreign travel, or to seek other means of recovery,
without being under the necessity of tendering his resignation. Having
noticed this subject at length last year, I beg to refer you to what was
then said, and trust you will see the propriety of an enactment to meet
the case.
postal department.
The honorable postmaster-general will submit to you his annual report, in
which you will notice some important suggestions looking to an in
provement in the efficiency of this indispensable service. I have to
mention also that a proposal has been made to this Government offering
additional facilities for the carrying of the mails between the several
ports in the Republic, as well as to foreign countries. The papers
referring to the same will be laid before you.
telegraph project.
An enterprise is in contemplation that proposes to bring to Liberia the
advantages of telegraphic communication with the settlements on the
coast, as well as with. Europe and the United States. The details of the
proposition will be submitted to you and your direction in the matter
[Page 614]
concession asked.
I have to call your attention to a certain proposal that has been made to
the Government very recently asking for a concession to engage in mining
operations; cut and export timber, cultivate the soil in consideration
of a loan to this State of 400,000 pounds sterling for fifty years at 7
per cent, interest. The terms proposed as well as the time mentioned in
which the debt is to be paid are more favorable than any hitherto
offered. It will be with you, gentlemen, after having given due
attention to the terms of the offer and the circumstances of the
country, to say whether or not it will be desirable and wise to accept
the same. That we have foreign claims which must be met none of you will
deny, nor will refuse to admit that it is high time we were inaugurating
measures with the view of satisfying the bondholders of the loan of
Two other proposals were made to the Secretary of State while abroad last
year, having reference to the settlement of this debt, which it may be
advisable to have before you when you shall find it convenient to take
up the one now under consideration.
native difficulties.
It affords me no little pleasure to be able to report the happy
termination of difficulties among the native tribes in one section of
the Camwood country in Grand Bassa County. Through the persevering
efforts of Superintendent Smith, Judge Negle, and others, the guilty
parties have been brought to justice, and peace fully restored.
The disturbances which for the last several years existed in the Cape
Mount territory have also been settled. In the month of July last I
appointed Rev. C. A. Pitman, I. G. Fuller, esq., and Superintendent R.
J. B. Wakon, of Robertsport, with Mr. E. J. Barclay as clerk, to visit
this section of country, convene the chiefs of the contending factions,
and endeavor to restore peace. The commission arrived at Roberts-port,
proceeded to Salligah, entered upon their duties with commendable zeal,
and after meeting with and surmounting many difficulties, succeeded in
having a treaty of peace signed by thirteen chiefs of the Gallinas Mann
ah, Solo, Tey Wah, and Sali-gah territories, a copy of which will be
submitted to you.
In a former communication I called your attention to the progress that
was being made in Maryland County toward the opening up roads
interiorward and affecting greater intercourse with the more distant
tribes. I am happy to inform you that these efforts have been followed
up by Superintendent Gibson, so that at the present time roads for trade
and intercourse are available for ingress and egress which have been
closed for the last eight or ten years.
The importance of increasing our friendly intercourse with the powerful
tribes, of the country is a matter that cannot claim too much of our
attention. So important do I regard our relation with these our
brethren, and so desirous am I of seeing this-vast aboriginal population
share with us the rights, privileges, and advantages of civilization and
a Christian Government, thus giving strength and permanency to our
republican institutions on this coast, that I consider it really the
great work of Liberia at present to pursue such a policy as will cement
into one mass the many tribes-about us and bring them under the molding
influence of our laws and religion. The great work of Liberia at present
is at home, and the sooner we lose sight of distracting party politics
and address ourselves to the task of elevating our brethren and building
up the country the better.
I am unwilling to close this communication, gentlemen and
fellow-citizens, without congratulating you and the nation generally
upon the pleasing abatement of that excessive political party strife
which ran so high at your last session as to wholly prevent harmonious
The fact that the storm has passed away and you are able to enter upon
your duties, under circumstances so favorable shows that there is yet a
gratifying measure of recuperative energy in our little ship of state;
that, though at times she may toss and roll as though the next moment
were destined to be her last, yet after a while she recovers her
balance, uprights herself, and proceeds on an even course towards the
sublime goal that awaits her.
May we gather experience from the past, learn wisdom for the future, and,
under the direction of Him who guides the affairs of the children of
men, go on courageously and faithfully in working out our national
Trusting that your present session may mark a new era in our national
history, and effect great good for the nation and the race,
I have, &c.,
December 6, 1882.