No. 330.
Mr. Daggett to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Honolulu, February 26, 1883. (Received March 29.)
Sir: In completing the record of public events connected with the coronation on the 12th instant, I beg to report that the festivities of the occasion closed to-day, and the city has resumed its usual condition of quietude and popular content.
On the evening of the 17th the palace and other public buildings were illuminated, and a display of fire-works occurred in the palace grounds, which were opened to the public, and on the hills overlooking the city.
On the 19th His Majesty, accompanied by his chamberlain and two staff officers, visited the four vessels of war in the harbor in the order of their arrival here. The vessels were appropriately dressed, and the yards of all were kept manned until the visits were completed. Salutes on arrival and departure were given by the Lackawanna, and a departing salute was fired by the Limier (French). Before leaving the vessels His Majesty conferred decorations on their commanders. Being present, the decorations designed for Captain Wilson and Commander Pearson were placed in my hands by His Majesty, and, with others, will be forwarded to your Department.
The state ball, to which over seven hundred invitations had been issued, was given at the palace on the evening of the 20th, and was largely attended. The dancing floor and supper tables were under canvas canopies connected with the main entrance to the palace, and the lights and decorations made a striking picture of the scene.
On the 22d a regatta took place in the harbor; but as the weather was unfavorable it was not a marked success.
On the 24th a luan, or native feast, was given in the palace grounds at 1 o’clock p.m. Not less than 500 invited guests partook of the novel banquet, including the royal family and foreign representatives, followed by 2,000 or 3,000 natives. In the evening, while the natives were enjoying the hulas, or native dances, in front of the palace, the invited guests were entertained within it by the royal band and dancing in keeping with their tastes.
Races at Kapiolani Park on the 26th concluded the coronation festivities.
Very respectfully, &c.,