Department of State,
Washington, June 25,
Lieutenant Adams to Lieutenant Bates.
Fort Assinniboine, Mont., May 30, 1883.
Sir: I have the honor to submit the
following report of my compliance with orders No. 81, dated Fort
Assinniboine, Mont., May 26, 1883:
With a guard of two non-commissioned officers and eight privates of
Company H, Eighteenth Infantry, in charge of forty-seven Indian
prisoners, I left the post at 7.30 o’clock a. m. the 27th instant,
and, taking the main Fort Walsh road, marched about 22 miles and
camped at Red Rock boulie, which place 1 reached at 2.30 o’clock. I
here issued one day’s rations to prisoners.
I left camp at 1 o’clock a. m. the 28th, and, with guard and
prisoners, arrived at the international boundary line at 12 o’clock
m. the same day; distance traveled about 18 miles.
In compliance with the orders of the post commander of Fort
Assinniboine, I took charge of all of the animals belonging to the
Crees, viz, four horses and two colts, and brought them back to the
post. I also destroyed (burned) two carts, property of the same
parties, and notified the prisoners that on no pretext whatsoever
must any Cree Indians recross to this side of the line, and that if
found in Montana hereafter they would be considered enemies and
horse-thieves and be severely punished. I then issued them five
days’ rations and saw them cross the line. They said they would go
about 4 miles north and then camp for the night. At 2.30 o’clock
p.m. I started on my return, marched about 13 miles, and at 1
o’clock p.m. camped near a small lake. I left this camp at 1.30 a.
m. the 29th, and arrived at the post at 2.30 p.m. same day; distance
traveled about 27 miles. On my arrival at the post I turned over to
the quartermaster’s department the four horses and two colts. The
quartermaster’s department furnished me with two six-mule teams for
the performance of this duty. The whole distance traveled was about
80 miles.
Very respectfully, &c.,
Lieutenant Eighteenth
Infantry, Commanding Company H.