No. 3.
Mr. T. O.
Osborn to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Buenos Ayres, May 9, 1883. (Received June 29.)
Sir: General Villegas, the second in command of the Argentine army, on his return to-day from a long and successful expedition in Patagonia against the Indians, was enthusiastically received.
The general, with his division, started the 3d of February last on his expedition, and penetrated to the very heart of Patagonia, some 150 leagues. The general reports that the scenery in almost every part through which, the expedition passed is most beautiful and picturesque, and the general quality of the land and pasture is excellent.
On February 21, the vanguard was attacked by a large body of Indians, the most of whom were armed with Winchester and Martini Henry rifles. For four hours the battle was warm, when the main body of the troops came up and put an end to the struggle. The loss on the part of the Indian warriors, as reported, was 100, and on the side of the Argentines, killed and wounded, 22. Perhaps the most serious affair which took place while the expedition was out was a brush between an Argentine company on a scout and a Chilian company of troops, in the Andes Mountains. Several lives were lost on both sides during the affray. It is not believed any deplorable consequences will result from the brush, as both companies believed that they were on their own territory, and both Governments are giving and receiving explanations in reference to the mistake.
I have, &c.,