No. 294.
Mr. Davis to Mr. West.

Sir: Referring to recent correspondence concerning the raids of Canadian Indians into Montana Territory, I now have the honor to inclose herewith for your information a copy of a telegram received by the War Department reporting that seventeen horses were stolen on the 17th ultimo from an American citizen residing on the Teton River by Cree Indians.

I have, &c.,

Acting Secretary.
[Page 502]

Adjutant-General, Department Dakota, Fort Snelling, Minn.:

Following received:

Fort Assinniboine, Mont., April 18, 1883.

“Dispatch from Clarke Tingley, at Benton, received at 3.50 p.m., says: ‘Seventeen horses stolen from John Galbraith last night, 28 miles up Teton from here. He is satisfied it was done by Crees, and is following trail for Fort Walsh.’

“Captain Norwood, with troop Second Cavalry, left post at 4.30 this p.m. He will reach boundary line by daylight and then scout westward. He has Indian scouts with him, and will in all probabilities be ahead of the raiders. Lieutenant Fuller follows with some supplies at daylight to-morrow.

Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.”

Commanding District.