No. 276.
Mr. West to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 20th instant, and to inform you that I have communicated by telegraph the information contained therein respecting the hostile movements of the Indian tribes on the northwest frontier to the Dominion authorities. In connection with this subject, and with the agreement to which you allude for giving mutual notice of the movements of hostile Indians on [Page 484] the northwest frontier, I have the honor to refer to my note of the 3d of May last,* in which I communicated to the United States Government the measures proposed by his excellency the Marquis of Lorne for preventing Indian raids on this frontier, and which you informed me in your note of the 10th of that month should have the early consideration of the United States Government, and to submit to you that perhaps some understanding with regard to them might conduce to the security and good order of the frontier, so much desired by both Governments.
I have, &c.,
- Printed in Foreign Relations for 1882.↩