No. 273.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. West.
Washington, November 28, 1882.
Sir: Referring to the note which I had the honor to address to you to-day respecting the custody of ships’ papers in the ports of Colombia, I beg to inquire whether you are advised that your Government has made or contemplates making any remonstrance against the Venezuelan rule requiring such papers to be deposited with the port officers, and not with the consul of the vessel’s nation. The question has recently arisen at Caracas, and the United States minister there, Mr. Jehu Baker, has been instructed to press for a modification of the law or regulation in the same manner as a reform was effected in Colombia.
As the matter is one which appears to concern British and other foreign interests in Venezuela no less than our own, Mr. Baker has been instructed to acquaint his diplomatic colleagues with whatever may transpire in this relation, in order that they may, if desired, profit by, or, if need be, aid such representations as he may make.
I have, &c.,