No. 158.
Mr. Denaut to Mr. Frelinghuysen.


Sir: At the closing session of the international conference for the protection of submarine cables and on the proposition of the Swiss minister, the French Government was charged to reunite the adherents of the different cabinets to the plan of convention, the terms of which their commissioner had drawn up. Since that time seventeen States have agreed to sign the projected convention, and other Governments, although not having yet given a formal answer, appear to be disposed to enter into this international agreement.

In view of this state of things, the Government of the Republic thinks the moment has come for the adhering powers to consummate by a diplomatic act the agreement of which the draft was elaborated last November.

It would appear, therefore, opportune for the international conference to meet again in Paris, the date of this convention to be fixed for Monday, the 15th of next October.

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It is to be understood, however, that the discussion should be rigorously limited to the special points and accessions which have been the object of observations or reservations. On the other hand, Governments should furnish their representatives in Paris, either one or several of their delegates to the conference, full necessary powers to give to the question a definitive solution and proceed without further delay to the signing of the convention.

I would thank you, Mr. Secretary of State, to inform me if your Government is disposed to accept the proposition of the French Government to convoke the conference, and if it will appear, in this case, of the date of the 15th of October next for this meeting.

Accept, &c.,