No. 118.
Mr. Ryder to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 15.]

Sir: I have the honor to refer you to my dispatch No. 206, addressed to the Hon. John Davis, Assistant Secretary of State, under date of the 5th instant, and to report now that the Danish Government, finding the regulations put in force by the German Government on the importation of live swine into the German Empire of such a character as to materially interfere with the trade, have proposed through their minister at Berlin to the German Government to prohibit the importation of live swine from the United States of America into the Kingdom of Denmark, providing the German Government would agree to remove the restrictions lately placed by said Government on the importation of live swine from Denmark into Germany. I was at first informed on good authority that the proposition from this Government to Germany was a general one with reference to the importation of pork produce from the United States, but on calling to-day on the foreign minister I found this to be a mistake. His excellency remarked that said proposition only had reference to live swine, and that it was very uncertain whether it would lead to any results. As no live swine are imported from the United States of America to this country, a restriction simply confined to a prohibition of this article would not have any injurious effects on the commercial relations of the United States and Denmark. * * *

I have written Mr. Sargent, our minister at Berlin, about this matter.

I am, &c.,

Chargé ad interim.