Mr. Lincoln to Mr. Blaine.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th ultimo, inclosing a copy of one of the 10th ultimo from the minister of Mexico at this capital, relative to the existence of lawlessness upon the border in Arizona, which is detrimental to the interests of the Government of Mexico.

Observing that previous papers, from the military authorities, in relation to the [Page 409] subject in question have recently been forwarded to the Department of Justice, and that, in reply thereto, the honorable the Attorney-General informed this department that the United States attorney and marshal of Arizona had been instructed to use all diligence in arresting the outlaws and bringing them to justice, I beg to add, that a copy of your letter above mentioned and its inclosures have been forwarded, this day, to the honorable the Attorney-General, with request that this department be advised of the action thus far had under the instructions above referred to, with especial reference to the result accomplished; and that the department be also furnished with an opinion as to whether it would be lawful, and to what extent lawful, to use the military forces of the United States for the suppression of the unlawful organizations referred to.

Upon receipt of reply, the information therein contained will be promptly communicated to the Department of State.

Very respectfully, &c.,

Secretary of War.