No. 663.
Mr. Hay to
Mr. Baker.
Washington, July 13, 1880.
Sir: Referring to the previous instructions of this Department in relation to the outrage committed in September, 1879, upon Mr. John H. Wheelock by a civil officer of Venezuela, I have now to inclose for your information a copy of a letter recently received from Mr. Wheelock, communicating the report which reaches him through an apparently trustworthy channel that the so-called “General” Sotillo, the author of the outrage, has not been punished in any way.
In addition to the Department’s last instruction on the subject, No. 74, of June 10, 1880, I have now to direct you not to lose sight of this aggravated case, but to press the claim in such manner as to leave no room for doubt that this government awaits with keen interest the speedy intelligence of the due and exemplary punishment of the delinquent officer at whose hands Mr. Wheelock suffered the indignities and cruelties complained of, as well as the tender of a fitting reparation to the sufferer.
I am, &c.,
Acting Secretary.