No. 54.
Mr. Putnam
to Mr. Evarts.
Brussels, July 26, 1880. (Received August 9.)
Sir: The current week has been one of special interest to Belgians-The entire season is largely appropriated to commemorative ceremonies and festivities, and the city of Brussels is ever in holiday attire.
The national exhibition which opened on the 16th of June, a rich display of the products of the agriculture, of the arts, and the industries in all their branches, and of the educational methods of the kingdom, is but a part of the semi-centennial celebration of the epoch which introduced this kingdom into the family of states.
The present week has been one of extraordinarily commemorative character and has called forth the most enthusiastic expressions of pride, gratitude, and reverence. It opened with a grand review of about 30,000 troops by the King. The Queen and other members of the royal family, except the King, occupied a portion of the balcony of the palace, another portion being occupied by public officials and the diplomatic corps. The review was brilliant as a military display, and called forth repeated demonstrations of loyal feeling toward the reigning family.
Wednesday, the 21st instant, had been set apart for a commemorative religious and civic ceremonial. At twelve o’clock, a solemn Te Deum [Page 70] was performed at the cathedral to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of the Kingdom of Belgium by Leopold I, founder of the present dynasty. The cathedral was splendidly decorated, yet in harmony with the place and occasion. The entire diplomatic corps was present, each member of it, with a single exception, in full court dress and emblazoned with all their decorations, personal and official, of dignity and honor. The leading municipal, the civil, military, and judicial authorities, the ministers of state, and many members of the House of Representatives and of Senate were present. It was a pageant of great brilliancy. After the entrance of the King and Queen and other’ members of the royal family, the execution of the Te Deum was commenced. It oocupied about an hour. This was preliminary to another ceremony which must become historic, and was an occasion of repeated manifestations of the affection and gratitude with which Belgians cherish the memory of the founder of their kingdom. I refer to the inauguration at Lachen, near the summer palace of the King, of the monument erected in memory of Leopold I. The inspiration of this magnificent tribute of an entire people was happily expressed in one of the addresses to Leopold II, on this occasion. Two or three sentences will illustrate my idea:
The ceremony of to-day is also a fête of the people. The monument we inaugurate is born of a popular inspiration and the penny of the people has erected it; when on the 10th of September, 1865, death struck the august host of that palace now within our view, Belgium was plunged in universal mourning. In the humblest hamlet, as well as in our great cities, in the home of the artisan and the laborer, as well as in the highest ranks, the grief was profound. It seemed as if all were struck down by the same blow which had lost us a friend and a father. We remembered that reign of thirty-five years, years of liberty and peace. We recalled all his great, beautiful, and useful acts. Lamentations were in every heart, on every tongue.
Public gratitude was too intense not to seek its expression in some durable and striking manner. From every quarter at once came the thought to erect a monument which should consecrate the memory of the great king and the nation’s gratitude. Committees were formed, subscriptions were opened, where the poor man could give his humble offering, the true gift of his heart. This is the monument decreed, so to say, by the voice of the people, which now stands erect before you.
These words, it was easy to see, interpreted the universal feeling among the vast mass assembled to witness the ceremonies.
There were present, as at the Te Deum, municipal and state and military officials and the diplomatic corps. These occupied positions near the royal family. The equipages and decorations were gorgeous.
The King and Queen, accompanied by the Princess Stephanie, betrothed to Rodolph of Austria, were also present. The Count and Countess of Flanders and family arrived about three o’clock and were received with enthusiasm.
The ceremonies opened by an address by Mr. Rolin Jacquemyns, minister of the interior, to the King and Queen. It was a condensed review of the circumstances which gave birth to the nation, and brought Leopold to its throne. It spoke in terms of grateful appreciation of the service of that ruler as the head of a constitutional monarchy. It said of him, “this wise prince, the true head of a nation of freemen, did more than deserve the love and admiration of his subjects. He rendered a distinguished service to the cause of popular liberty.” Its closing words were received with long-continued applause.
Every Belgian heart beats in unison with our hearts, and their voices unite with our voices; and there shall echo from one end of Belgium to the other the cries, a thousand times repeated, Vive King Leopold II! Vive the Queen! Vive the royal family!
To the two addresses the King responded, expressing his profound [Page 71] gratitude for this demonstration of affection and honor in memory of his father, “whose life was consecrated to Belgium.”
At the close of this reply the statue of Leopold I, which is in marble and of heroic size, was unveiled amid the plaudits of the multitude. An original poem, interpreting the just pride of Belgians in their nation and its royal founder, and representing the national aspirations for liberal institutions under their chosen form of government, was sung by a choir of several hundred performers.
The statue of Leopold is in the center of an open Gothic marble structure of singular grace and beauty.
This occasion, pre-eminently national in its spirit, can hardly fail to give new guarantees of stability to the institutions and interests which have been developed during the last half century.
I have, &c.,