No. 510.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Mathews.
Washington, April 22, 1880.
Sir: I have read, with much sympathy and interest, your dispatch No. 354, of the 8th ultimo, in relation to the deplorable condition of the [Page 804] native Jews of Morocco now that foreign protection has been withdrawn from even the few merchants heretofore exceptionally sheltered, and have to express my approval of the humane sentiments contained in your communication of the 21st of February last, addressed to His Majesty the Sultan, through his prime minister. It is sincerely trusted that this disinterested appeal in behalf of an oppressed race, made by the representative of a country which has ever stood foremost as the advocate of the cause of liberty of conscience, will have a beneficial effect.
A copy of your dispatch and its inclosure will be sent to Mr. Fairchild at Madrid, for use, if necessary, in the approaching conference on the subject of civil rights and protection in Morocco.
I am, &c.,