No. 156.
Mr. Seward
to Mr. Evarts.
Peking, March 1, 1880. (Received April 26.)
Sir: The foreign press of China has published of late various statements indicating that the emigration of Chinese to the Sandwich Islands is being promoted by the Chinese Steam navigation Company, with the approval and concurrence of this government. Statements have also been made that emigration to Cuba will soon begin again.
In view of these statements I have thought it well to inquire at the foreign office whether the information is correct. Mr. Holcombe waited upon the ministers, accordingly, yesterday, and was told promptly that the government had not assented to the reopening of emigration to Cuba, and has done nothing looking to the promotion of emigration to “the Sandwich Isands.
It is quite certain that this government will prevent the emigration of its people to Cuba until all outstanding questions with the Spanish Government are disposed of, and that it will disfavor, in a more or less positive way, emigration to the Sandwich Islands.
All statements that it is moving to encourage emigration in any direction may be considered unfounded.
I have, &c.,