No. 145.
Mr. Seward
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, January 20, 1880.
(Received April 2.)
No. 564.]
Sir: Referring to my note No. 563, of the 16th
instant, I have now the honor to inform you that the several foreign
representatives have agreed together to inform the foreign office that they
will instruct their several officers at Shanghai to give the local
authorities at that port cordial support in their enforcement of the harbor
rules recently communicated to us, and to inclose to you a copy of the
response which I am sending to the foreign office, and a copy of my note of
instructions to Mr. Bailey.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 564.]
Mr. Seward to
Prince Kung.
Peking, January 19,
Sir: I do myself the honor to acknowledge your
imperial highness’s note of the 12th instant, including copy of
regulations for the anchorage of native shipping at Shanghai, and
acquainting me with a modification of the rules of 1878 regarding the
foreign anchorage.
I have considered the matter of the note with my colleagues—the
representatives of the treaty powers now in Peking—and I understand it
to be agreed that each of us should instruct the consul of his
government at Shanghai to co-operate cordially with the Chinese
authorities in giving effect to the rules in question.
I avail, &c.,
His Imperial Highness, the Prince of
[Inclosure 2 in No. 564.]
Mr. Seward to Mr.
Peking, January 20,
Sir: The Chinese Government has decided to put
into execution at once the rules for the harbor at your port which were
transmitted by me to your predecessor, General Stahel, in February,
1878, dispatch No. 113, excepting from their operation, however, the
district south of the Little East Gate Creek, over which another set of
rules—a copy of which I inclose—will be enforced.
[Page 214]
Please be so good as to extend to the local authorities your cordial
co-operation in all appropriate ways in their administration of the two
sets of rules, and to report to me from time to time whether the objects
in view in providing the rules are being attained.
You may communicate a copy of this note and of the sixteen rules to the
chamber of commerce.
I am, &c.,