No. 113.
Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts.

No. 132.]

Sir: The Minister of Foreign Relations has addressed me a note soliciting the friendly aid of our legations at Santiago and La Paz in securing an exchange with Bolivia of prisoners of war, in answer to which I have assured him that I would very cheerfully render his government all the aid in my power and that I would communicate at as early a day as possible with my colleague in La Paz on the subject. I further informed the minister that Judge Pettis had been absent from his post, and that I was uninformed touching the time fixed for his return, but that I judged that the legation had been left in the hands of some person who would give due consideration to my communication if Judge P. should not be there to receive it.

[Page 128]

I have this day written to the legation in La Paz, as promised in my note.

I have, &c.,