No. 497.
Mr. Baker to Mr. Evarts.

No. 115.]

Sir: I inclose here with a copy of a decree of General Guzman Blanco, of date 12th ultimo, as the same appears in La Opinion Nacional of the 17th ultimo, together with a translation thereof, by which decree he declares the department of Maracay, in the State of Guzman Blanco, to be federal territory, and appoints General Joaquin Crespo to govern the same as civil and military chief.

As helping to a proper idea of the scope of power which General Guzman Blanco is exercising, this decree is worthy of notice.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 115.—Translation.]

guzman blanco, illustrious american pacificator and regenerator of venezuela, and supreme director of the revindication, etc.

[From La Opinion Nacional of March 17, 1879.]

In exercise of the powers which the people have conferred upon me for the political and administrative organization of the republic—

I decree:

  • Article 1. I declare the department of Maracay, in the State of Guzman Blanco, to be federal territory.
  • Art. 2. This territory will be governed by a civil and military chief, and I appoint the Citizen-General Joaquin Crespo for the discharge of this employ.
  • Art. 3. The minister of interior relations is charged with the execution of this decree.


Countersigned. The minister of interior relations: