No. 494.
Mr. Baker
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Caracas, February 26,
1879. (Received March 24.)
No. 96.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 95, in which I state,
among other things, that on the 13th instant Cedéno entered Caracas at the
head of his army, I now send herewith a copy and translation of a note to
myself of date 14th instant, from the secretary-general of the
general-in-chief of the army, together with a copy of my note of date 15th
instant, in reply thereto.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
united states of venezuela.—secretaryship general
of the chief of the grand army of liberation.—number
Caracas, February 14,
Sir: I have the honor to communicate to the
minister resident of the United States of the North, that the
Citizen-General Gregorio Cedeño, general-in-chief of the array of
liberation, took possession yesterday of the capital of the republic at
the head of his numerous army, after having vanquished the armed
resistance which the government, emanating from the convention, opposed
to him. As consequence of this occupation and of the national will,
expressed almost unanimously in public documents, the triumphant
revolution constitutes now the government of the republic, at whose head
is the general-in-chief of the army, while the illustrious American,
General Antonio Guzman Blanco, proclaimed by the people as supreme
director, returns to the country.
I have also the honor to bring to the knowledge of the minister that I
have been named by the general-in-chief of the army his
secretary-general, and that it is in this character that I address
myself to your excellency.
I also in like manner communicate to your excellency that Dr. Nicanor
Bórjis has been named, and discharges the functions of, civil and
military chief of the federal district.
In making to the minister the preceding communications, I am pleased to
assure him of my distinguished consideration.
[Page 1041]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 96.]
Mr. Baker to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Caracas, February 15,
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your polite note in character of secretary-general of the
general-in-chief of the army of date yesterday, in which you communicate
to me the statement that the Citizen-General Gregorio Cedeño,
general-in-chief of the army of liberation took possession of the
capital of the republic the day preceding at the head of his numerous
army, after having vanquished the armed resistance which the government,
emanating from the convention, opposed to it, &c.
I shall, at the earliest opportunity, bring to the knowledge of my
government the state of affairs which is the subject of your note.
Meantime, I am, &c.,