No. 441.
Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts.
Madrid, October 29, 1878.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that General Grant arrived here on the morning of the 18th.
At the station he was received by the civil governor of the province, by a general and two aids-de-camp, on the part of the minister of war, and by the members of this legation. At all the stations on the road he was greeted by the local authorities.
Though he arrived in Madrid on the day he originally fixed, he had entered Spain three days earlier than he had intended, in compliance [Page 936] with an invitation of the King (received through the Spanish consul at Bordeaux) to be present at the autumn maneuvers near Vitoria.
General Grant while there, was presented to the King, dined with him, and rode by his side during one of the reviews. He spoke in very warm terms of the excellent quality, appearance, and discipline of the Spanish troops.
During his stay here he visited the various museums, the Escorial, and Toledo. To the last place I was unable to accompany him on account of an engagement to dine with the minister of foreign affairs.
On Saturday he and Mrs. Grant were received in private audience by the Princess of Asturias. On Monday evening they dined at my house, meeting the president of the council, the ministers of foreign affairs and of war, the civil and military governors, and the principal foreign ministers. After the dinner a reception took place, where as many persons as my house would accommodate, were presented to General and Mrs. Grant.
The next day Mr. Cánovas del Castéllo gave a great dinner in honor of General Grant at the palace of the presidency, after which the chief guests withdrew to the opera, where the ministerial box had been put at their disposal, and whither Mrs. Grant had gone earlier in the evening.
General Grant left Madrid on Friday, the 25th, at 9 o’clock p.m., for Lisbon, the Portuguese minister here having already telegraphed his coming in order that he should be properly received. In consequence of this latter circumstance it was impossible for him to delay his departure in order to take formal leave of the King, as he otherwise would gladly have done. I made the proper explanations and apologies to His Majesty at our reception next day.
Every possible attention and courtesy were shown to General Grant during his stay by the Spanish Government, and the minister for foreign affairs took occasion to tell me that these civilities were intended not only to show respect and good will to General Grant, but to the Government and people of the United States.
General Grant several times expressed to me very warmly his pleasure and satisfaction at the manner in which he had been received and treated. Both he and Mrs. Grant spoke repeatedly of the great enjoyment they had had in their visit.
From Portugal General Grant goes to Cadiz, and thence to Malaga. From Malaga he will visit Granada, Cordova, and Seville, going thence to Gibraltar.
Mr. Sílvela begged me to keep him informed of the General’s movements in Spain, in order that the necessary orders might be given for his fitting reception everywhere by the public authorities.
I have, &c.,