No. 420.
Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Evarts.
St Petersburg, April 15, 1879. (Received May 5.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that very early this morning I received your telegram of yesterday in the following words:
“President and people cordially congratulate His Majesty on providential escape.”
[Page 916]I wrote at once to Prince Gortchakoff, and beg to inclose herewith a copy of my note.
The Austrian ambassador, as dean of the diplomatic corps at St. Petersburg, called upon Prince Gortchakoff to state the desire of the corps to express their congratulations to the Emperor in person. The Emperor while thanking them for their congratulations and good wishes, which he highly appreciated, preferred not to receive them in special audience.
I have heard nothing new in regard to the attempted assassination beyond the details I gave you in my No. 87.
I have, &c.,