No. 274.
Mr. Marsh
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Rome, March 31, 1879. (Received April
No. 822.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of
my recent note to the ministry of foreign affairs on the; case of
Largomarsino, and a copy and translation of the minister’s reply. If Mr.
Guiseppe Onesti had had the frankness to state in his letter to the
Department of State the fact, which was doubtless known to him, that
Largomarsino had still but a few months to serve, he would have saved all
parties unnecessary annoyance, as in such case I should not, without
positive instructions to that effect, have again addressed the Italian
Government on the subject.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 822.]
Mr. Marsh to Mr.
Your Excellency: My attention has been again
called by the Secretary of State of the United States to the case of
Largomarsino, now serving as a conscript in the Italian army, which was
laid before the Italian Government by my note of 1877, and I am
instructed to make a further effort for his release. I have no new facts
and no new legal considerations to urge, but I venture to express the
hope that the peculiar hardship of the case, in the ruin of business
into which Largomarsino had entered, and of interests acquired in the
full belief of legal right, the length of time he has already served,
and the circumstances referred to in the accompanying communication from
a relative of his in America, may have some weight with the Italian
Government in inducing it to take a favorable reconsideration of the
facts, and to grant to Largomarsino the indulgence he desires.
I avail myself of this occasion to renew to your excellency the assurance
of my distinguished consideration.
[Inclosure in dispatch No.
Mr. Peiroleri to
Mr. Marsh.
Mr. Minister: I have received your note of the
15th instant, by which you call upon me again to use my good offices for
the release from military service of Giovanni Felice Largomarsino, at
present in the Italian army, on account of the serious injury to his
private affairs resulting from his continuing there.
I regret very much being unable to second your request, but in the face
of the laws of Italy it is not possible to make an exception in favor of
Largomarsino. Article 12 of the civil code of the kingdom explicitly
enacts that the loss of citizenship does not carry with it exemption
from the obligation of military service.
Matters of private interest, which, in fact, are common to all Italian
citizens on whom military service is incumbent, are not taken into
consideration by the laws on conscription. The royal government cannot,
therefore, hold them of any weight. Nevertheless, as I learn that
Lagomassina was enrolled on the 8th of January, 1877, I think it will
not be very long before he will be granted unlimited leave of absence,
as the term of service for the infantry in time of peace is only three
Trusting that you will recognize the justness of these reasons which
prevent me from replying in a more favorable sense to your note, I avail
myself of this occasion to renew to you, Mr. Minister, the assurance of
my high consideration.
For the minister: