No. 240.
Mr. Comly to Mr. Evarts.
Honolulu, June 9, 1879. (Received June 26.)
Sir: My dispatch No. 19, on some neglected opportunities for American trade with the Hawaiian Islands, has been controverted upon two points: 1. The allegation that British manufacturers of rice and sugar machinery were absorbing most of the trade in those articles. 2. That a large share of the rice crop was disposed of in San Francisco, while the Hawaiian planters bought an inferior quality of Japanese or other foreign rice, which was as satisfactory to their Chinese laborers, for home consumption. The latter proposition has been often referred to and vigorously assailed in the local press here.
Only a few weeks ago the Pacific Commercial Advertiser repeated, “The Hawaiians import no rice,” &c. Now, I simply desire to call the attention of the department to the statistics furnished by the collector-general (inclosure 4 in dispatch No. 75), showing an importation of over one million pounds from Japan alone.
On the first point I desire to call your attention to the inclosure herewith, showing that there are eight complete sugar “plants”—a “plant” is all the machinery for a plantation—now on the way here, by different [Page 543] vessels, from the one house referred to, as represented by one of its partners here at the time dispatch No. 19 was written. I am told incidentally of five other plants furnished or to be furnished by this same house. This energetic British manufacturer, therefore, is demonstrated to have taken orders amounting to about $500,000 from these islands, every dollar of which ought to have passed into the pockets of American manufacturers.
Another fact: The government is constructing additional waterworks, with new reservoir, for Honolulu. The large order for iron piping was given to a British house.
I have, &c.,