No. 164.
Mr. Taylor
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Berlin, November 18, 1878.
(Received December 4.)
No. 56.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose the translation of
a letter received from the committee of the German Fisheries Society,
together with the
[Page 355]
programme (and
translation) of an international exhibition proposed to be held in Berlin in
1880, to which the attention and co-operation of the United States
Government is invited.
The present condition of the German fisheries will be found briefly set forth
in the able report of our consul-general at Berlin on page 270 of the volume
of Commercial Relations for 1877. It is the object of the German Fisheries
Society to aid in developing this branch of the national industry, as also
the science of pisciculture, which is now receiving much attention in this
As the United States are known as one of the first and most successful
nations in pisciculture, their participation in this proposed exhibition
would be greatly appreciated here, and the expense incident to it would
probably be slight compared with the great international advantages to be
derived from a general exchange of the latest views on this important
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 56.
Letter of the committee of the German Fisheries Society to Mr. Taylor.
Berlin, November 8,
To Mr. Bayard Taylor,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Excellency: Under the patronage of his imperial
and royal highness the Crown Prince, as patron of the German Fisheries
Society, there will be held, about the end of April, 1880, in this city,
a second international exhibition of products and utensils of the sea
and inland fisheries, regarding which the inclosed programme will
furnish your excellency with full information.
We expect thus again to attract universal attention to the fishery
industry, and to awaken a wider interest in the intelligent management
of waters as well as a practical pisciculture. While the first
exhibition of this kind of the society with the above-named object was
attended with very gratifying results, and as the connections of the
society have extensively widened, it is to be expected that the proposed
exhibition will attain a completeness which can but result in
stimulating and benefiting all the aims of the fishery industry. Our
object consequently would be, the wider we extend our circle, the more
to subserve the interests of all civilized nations.
The great growth which the fisheries have enjoyed in the United States of
America makes it desirable for us to see them very fully represented at
our exhibition.
We address ourselves, therefore, to your excellency with the urgent
request to lend your powerful support to our undertaking, and to bring
it to the knowledge of your government, and in the respective districts
of the United States, to invite an active participation in our
For the committee of the German Fishery Society:
[Inclosure 2, in No. 56.
Under the patronage of his imperial and royal highness the
Crown Prince of the German Empire and of Prussia.
international exhibition of products
and implements of ocean and inland fisheries at berlin in
april, 1880.
Honorary president.—Minister of State—Dr.
Committee.—Von Behr, Dr. von Bunsen, Dr. Peters,
Baron von Baumbach, &c., &c., &c.
Class I.
Water animals.
- 1.
- Living or preserved in alcohol or in drawings.
- 2.
- Prepared or dried, salted, smoked, powdered, in tin cans, &c.,
and in various processes of preparation, especially—
- a.
- Sponges. (Bath sponges, according to localities and
- b.
- Corals, rough and worked.
- c.
- Mollusks: Oysters; specimens of shells from the best known
localities; anatomy of oysters on a magnified scale; muscles
of all kinds; pearl oysters; working of mother-of-pearl;
pearls arranged according to their market value; copies of
the most celebrated pearls; river pearls, mother-of-pearl,
and samples.
- d.
- Echinoder mata. (Star fish, sea urchins.)
- e.
- Worms.
- f.
- Insects. (Larvæ of insects as destroyers of spawn, or as
food of fishes.)
- g.
- Crustaceans. (Different species of crabs.)
- h.
- Fishes of all kinds and of all zones.
- i.
- Amphibia: Turtles, edible kinds; tortoise-shell in
different stages of manufacture as far as combs or inlaid
furniture (for comparison, imitation tortoise-shell),
salamanders, frogs (spawn of frogs), serpents (serpents’
- k.
- Water birds. (All the birds injurious to fisheries,
sea-gulls, herons, cormorants, &c.
- l.
- Mammals (seals, whales), and their products. The mammals
in sweet waters injurious to fishes.
- 3.
- All the products of water animals.
Class II.
- a.
- Fishing-tackle of all kinds and of all nations, originals or
- b.
- River and sea fishing craft of all nations in models or
- c.
- Materials for fisheries in different stages of manufacture.
- d.
- Machines and implements for working the raw material.
Class III.
Artificial breeding of sea
- a.
- Breeding apparatus: All kinds of contrivances and apparatus for
the artificial breeding of fish, crabs, and muscles; also, vessels
for bedding the young in sand.
- b.
- Models or drawings of approved breeding systems.
- c.
- Models or drawings of contrivances for the protection or for the
perfection of water animals (salmon ladders, &c.,
- d.
- Aquariums of all kinds.
- e.
- The history of the growth of some of the principal water animals
(oysters, salmon, herring, crabs, &c.) Exhibition of the same at
different ages.
Class IV.
Contrivances for the preservation, and for the bedding in sand, of
fresh-water animals in the original or models. (Transport of fish by
Class V.
Contrivances for preparing, dressing, or keeping fishery products by
drying, salting, smoking, &c., for commerce (i.
e. models of smoke-houses, &c), as also for household use
(as fish-kettles, fish-dishes).
Class VI.
Models of fisherman’s houses and costumes, also of fishing utensils, not
included in the preceding classes.
Class VII.
Examination of waters in reference to the condition of fish;
physico-chemical examination; examination of the bottom; samples of
bottom; botanical investigations (water plants with reference to fish
culture, characteristic selection of plants, herbariums, &c.),
specimens of fauna (lower animals in spirits, preparations, &c.),
methods and apparatus for this study.
Class VIII.
History of fisheries.
Implements for fishing in the original or in drawings, from the earliest
times, also models, pictures, documents, seals, emblems of old fishing
guilds, &c.
[Page 357]
Class IX.
The literary statistics of fisheries and surveys of the geographical
extent of fishes.
conditions of the exhibition.
- 1.
- The objects to be exhibited must be announced by the 1st January,
1880, to the committee of the German Fisheries Society, which
decides regarding the admission, with a note, specifying the
corresponding class of the programme and a statement of the space
(wall, floor, tables) which is required.
- 2.
- The costs of the arrangements of the location and of the whole
setting up, are borne by the committee of the German Fisheries
- 3.
- The objects to be exhibited must be sent prepaid in the month of
March to this committee. The expenses that may accrue for the
transportation from the railway station in Berlin to the exhibition
grounds will be borne by the committee of the German Fisheries
- The exact details as to time and the address are reserved for
future communication. Very perishable objects can be accepted during
the exhibition.
- 4.
- The supervision and protection of the objects will be assumed by
the committee, without any responsibility for accidental loss or
damage, for theft, or fire. If requested, the committee will have an
insurance effected against loss by fire at its own expense.
- 5.
- The objects exhibited will, after the close of the exhibition, be
returned to the exhibitor free of expense. An exception is only made
as regards perishable objects, concerning which an arrangement will
be made in Berlin between the committee and the exhibitor.
- 6.
- In regard to a possible reduction of freight and the awarding of
prizes a further announcement is reserved.
- 7.
- The objects exhibited must, as far as possible, be marked with the
name and residence of the exhibitor. In all cases where the return
of the objects is desired, an exact specification of them is to be
sent to the committee.