No. 143.
Mr. Cramer
to Mr. Evarts.
Copenhagen, January 4, 1879. (Received January 20.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatches numbered 273 and 274, and dated respectively December 10 and 11, 1878.
In reference to the contents of your No. 273, the proposed conclusion of a treaty of extradition between the United States and Denmark, I have to say that on the 2d instant I had a conversation on that subject with the Danish minister for foreign affairs, and I found that his views coincide with yours as expressed in your dispatch. He also expressed an “a priori willingness” (to use his words) of concluding such a treaty of extradition referred to by you. I then informed him of the scope of [Page 307] the conventions already concluded by the United States with other foreign governments, and handed him the copies of the two recent conventions of extradition which had been inclosed in your dispatch. He was glad to receive them; and said that before he could give me a definite answer he would be obliged to consult his colleagues and the king; in a few days he would communicate to me the result in a note.
The impression I received from this brief interview is that the Danish Government is willing to enter upon the negotiation of an extradition treaty with the Government of the United States. As soon as I learn the result I will communicate it to you.
I am, &c.,