No. 47.
Mr. Goodloe
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Brussels, June 21, 1878.
(Received July 5.)
No. 16.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on last
evening I received official notification of the acceptance of the
resignation of the ministry and the appointment of the following-named
gentlemen by His Majesty, all of whom have assumed control of their
respective portfolios: Mr. H. J. W. Frère-Orban, minister of foreign
affairs; Mr. Jules Bara, minister of justice; Mr. Gustave Rolin Jacquemyns,
minister of the interior; Mr. Pierre Van Humbeeck, minister of public
instruction; Mr. Charles Graux, minister of finance; Lieut. Gen. B. J.
Renard, minister of war; Mr. Charles Sainctelette minister of public
Three of the members of the new ministry were in the liberal ministry
[Page 57]
of 1870, Messrs. Frére-Orban, Bara,
and General Renard. The last two named occupy the same positions now as they
did then, and Mr. Frére-Orban, who was then minister of finance, is now
intrusted with foreign affairs. Messrs. Frère-Orban, Bara, Rolin Jacquemyns,
Van Humbeeck, and Sainctelette are members of the chamber of
representatives; Mr. Graux is a senator, and General Renard an aid-de-camp
to His Majesty the King.
I have been to call in person upon all of the incoming and outgoing
ministers, and inclose you herewith copies of communications addressed by me
to the present and retiring ministers for foreign affairs in answer to
official notifications from them of the change of the head of foreign
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 16.]
Mr. Goodloe to
Count Aspremont Lynden.
Monsieur Le Compte: In surrendering the duties
of minister for foreign affairs to resume those of senator, I beg you to
believe that you carry with you my sincerest wishes for your happiness
and prosperity.
Our official acquaintance, though of short duration, was sufficient to
enable me to form a high appreciation of your many accomplishments,
perfect courtesy, and undeviating kindness, and I trust that our future
personal relations may continue to be of a like pleasant and agreeable
I pray, Monsieur Le Compte, that you accept the assurances of my most
distinguished consideration.
Monsieur Le Compte d’Aspremont Lynden.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 16.]
Mr. Goodloe to Mr.
Monsieur Le Ministre: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 20th instant, in
which you are pleased to inform me of your assumption of the portfolio
of minister for foreign affairs, vice Le Compte d’Aspremont Lynden
I hasten to assure you of the pleasure it will give me, always guided by
justice and the right, to so act in conjunction with yourself as to draw
even nearer in bonds of friendship and reciprocal interests the
Governments of his Majesty and that of the United States.
I feel satisfied in advance that our personal as well as official
relations cannot be otherwise than of a happy and pleasant nature, and
certainly every effort of mine shall be exerted toward the
accomplishment of an object so agreeable.
I embrace, this, my first opportunity, Monsieur Le Ministre, to assure
you of my most distinguished consideration.
Monsieur Frère-Orban,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.