No. 41.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Kasson.
Washington, August 5, 1878.
Sir: Your No. 97, communicating intelligence of the official acceptance by the Austro-Hungarian Government of the invitation to participate in the proposed Monetary Conference, has been received.
It is observed that in the note of the minister for foreign affairs announcing this decision it is intimated that this government will be expected to furnish a detailed specification respecting the actual meeting of the conference, as well as its programme of proceedings. To meet this requirement, a telegram has this day been addressed to you to the effect that the conference meeting under the invitation communicated will itself adopt and arrange the scope and methods of discussion, each government’s commissioners presenting its views in such preliminary discussion. It is presumed that ere this reaches you you will have communicated the telegram, as requested, to the minister for foreign affairs, for the information of his government.
I am, &c.,