No. 448.
Mr. Lowell
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Madrid, November 8, 1877.
(Received November 27.)
No. 25.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit a copy and
translation of a note received on the 4th instant from the minister of
state, with regard to the admeasurement of vessels.
As I was not quite sure about its precise intention, I preferred to defer
forwarding it till after I should have had an interview with the minister of
state. Yesterday, accordingly, I saw Mr. Silvela, who, frankly confessing
that it was a matter about which he understood nothing, sent for one of the
clerks in the ministry of marine, who assured me that the note intended to
convey the acceptance, by Spain, of the offer of my government. To-day,
consequently, I acknowledged the reception of the note in such a way as to
admit no other understanding of its intent. A copy of my acknowledgment is
subjoined for your further information.
It would seem that all question might be avoided in future, and that no
remeasurement would be necessary on either side, if the papers issued to our
ship captains expressed the net as well as the gross tonnage. This formality, I find, is complied
with by some, at least, of the other powers with which Spain has an
agreement on this point.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Silvela to Mr.
Ministry of
Palace, November 2,
Excellency: I have the honor to communicate to
your excellency that as I am informed by the minister of marine, on
examination of the Customs Regulations of the United States, which refer
to the method of determining the burthen of vessels, it appears that the
rates established in this respect by the country which your excellency
so worthily represents are in accordance with those which govern in
Spain; but, since, in the documents issued by the authorities of the
United States, only the gross or what is called the regulations
registered tonnage appears, when, according to the rules in force in our
country, it is necessary to know the net tonnage of an American vessel
which arrives at a Spanish port, it is indispensable to proceed to the
measurement of the amount which, according as the vessel is a steamer or
sailing-ship, it is proper to deduct from the total tonnage to obtain
the net, in accordance with the provisions of the rule enforced in
This condition complied with, the Government of His Majesty is willing to
stipulate with that of the United States for the reciprocal recognition
of the measurement proposed by your legation on the 30th of June, 1876,
first duly calling the attention of your excellency to the circumstance
that as ail the certificates of measurement issued by the Spanish
authorities since the 1st January, 1876, set forth the total tonnage of
the vessel, it is proper that the Treasury Department at Washington
instruct its officers that the said circumstance exempts Spanish vessels
from measurement in the ports of the United States, if they are
furnished with the document issued since the date mentioned, in order to
avoid any interpretation to which the last article but one of the
circular of the United States Treasury Department of 11th of July, 1876,
might give rise.
I avail, &c.,
[Page 765]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 25.]
Mr. Lowell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, November 8,
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the
reception of your excellency’s note of the 2d instant communicating the
conclusion arrived at by his excellency the minister of marine,
respecting the admeasurement of vessels.
As I understand this to be the practical adoption of the “Moorsom”
system, as proposed by my government, I shall take pleasure in
forwarding to Washington a copy of your excellency’s note, hoping that a
difference which has caused so much inconvenience to both nations may be
thus finally arranged to the satisfaction of both.
I gladly avail, &c.,