No. 439.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Stoughton.

No. 14.]

Sir: Your dispatch. No. 19, of the 29th ultimo, has been received. It is accompanied by a correspondence between yourself and the Russian foreign office, on the discrimination of the Russian tariff in favor of imports from abroad by land, contrary to the stipulation in their treaty with us, which does not recognize a right to such a discrimination. Your argument upon the subject is clear, forcible, dignified, and, it seems to me, conclusive.

If a right to any such discrimination had been in the contemplation of the parties, it certainly would have been provided for in the treaty. The practical effect of the Russian construction has been more sensibly injurious to us since the railways of that country have connected with those of its neighbors. This was a state of affairs not foreseen in 1832, when the treaty was concluded.

I am, &c.,