No. 33.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Kasson.
Washington, June 18, 1878.
Sir: You are requested to inform the Government of Austria-Hungary that in addition to the acceptance by that government of the invitation of the United States to participate in an International Monetary Conference, acceptances of similar invitations have been received from the Governments of Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, Russia, and Switzerland, and that so far as any views have been expressed by those powers respecting the selection of a place for the meeting of the proposed conference, a preference for Paris has been signified.
In this selection the Government of the United States concurs.
It is desired that in bringing these facts to the knowledge of the government to which you are accredited, you should call attention to the provision of the act of Congress of the 28th of February last, which prescribes that the conference shall be held within six months, and state that the 25th of July is accordingly suggested as the day for the meeting thereof.
You will at the same time express the hope that the designation of the place and time here specified for the meeting of the proposed conference will receive the early concurrence of the Government of Austria-Hungary.
I am, &c.,