No. 326.
Mr. Turner
to Mr. Evarts.
Monrovia, January 26, 1878. (Received March 1.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit for the information of the Department the printed copy of the articles of impeachment as preferred by the honorable the House of Representatives of Liberia against Ex-President James S. Payne. The high court of impeachment at its session today set the trial of Mr. Payne for the second Monday in December, 1878. This action is regarded generally as a judicious one on the part of that court, and was probably taken in view of the political excitement and strong feeling manifested relative to the trial of the Ex-President.
The impeachment trial of Hon. B. J. K. Anderson, Ex-Secretary of the Treasury, has engaged the attention of the high court of impeachment throughout the last eight or ten days. The evidence and arguments on both sides were concluded in the case of Mr. Anderson on the 24th instant, and the high court determined upon eight days in which to make up the decision. The decision will, I believe, be rendered on the 2d day of February. I hope then to have the honor to inform the Department of the nature thereof.
The Senate has not ordered the articles of impeachment against Mr. Anderson to be printed, hence I am thus far unable to procure said articles for the information of the Department.
I have, &c.,