No. 309.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
States Legation, Japan,
Tokei, January 12, 1878.
(Received February 8.)
No. 712.]
Sir: His Majesty the Emperor, as is the custom,
invited the foreign representatives to audience at the imperial palace on
the first day of the year, for the purpose of exchanging
On this occasion, as on a former one, Her Majesty the Empress was also
present, which I before noted, and now again note, as an evidence of the
advancing civilization of this empire, in which, through twenty-six
centuries preceding the present reign, no such consideration was shown to
woman in her character of wife or mother.
I have the honor to inclose herewith copies, in English, of the address made
on that occasion by the foreign representatives to His Majesty, and His
Majesty’s reply thereto.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure No. 1.]
Address of the foreign representatives on the
occasion of their reception by the Emperor, January 1,
The anniversary of the new year furnishes the foreign representatives
accredited to Your Majesty an opportunity, of which they gladly avail
themselves, of presenting their congratulations to Your Majesty. It
affords them sincere pleasure to know that the relations of Your Majesty
with the sovereigns and presidents of the states which they have the
honor to represent continue to be of the most friendly character, and
they trust that Your Majesty and the imperial family will long enjoy the
blessings of health, and that Your Majesty’s wishes for the peace and
prosperity of your people will be fully attained.
[Inclosure No. 2.]
Reply of the Emperor to the address of the
diplomatic corps, January 1, 1878.
I am glad to receive the congratulations of your excellencies at the
favorable season of the new year, and rejoice to celebrate this happy
occasion along with the sovereigns and presidents of the friendly
I am glad, also, that your excellencies have entered upon the new year in