No. 306.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, Japan, December 1, 1877. (Received January 10, 1878.)
Sir: On yesterday, the 30th ultimo, I had the honor to present to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan Rear-Admiral T. H. Patterson, United States Navy, commanding the United States naval force on the Asiatic station, and also his suite of eleven officers of the United States Navy, viz, Capt. J. Young, chief of staff; Commander R. Boyd, commanding United States steamer Alert; Fleet Engineer C. H. Loring, Fleet Surgeon D. Kindleberger, Fleet Paymaster D. A. Smith, Lieut. R. Wainwright, principal aid; Lieut. R. G. Davenport, aid; Fleet Secretary O. G. Sawyer, Lieut. W. S. Cowles, Lieut. W. W. Kimball, and Midshipman George C. Foulk, aid.
His Majesty most graciously received the rear-admiral and the gentlemen who accompanied him, and addressing them, His Majesty was pleased to say “that he was gratified to see them, and that he hoped they would enjoy a comfortable sojourn in the empire.” The rear-admiral responded to His Majesty in a fitting and appropriate address, a copy of which I have the honor to inclose.
His Majesty having also addressed words of congratulation to me, I deemed it proper to thank His Majesty, as I did, for the distinguished consideration shown to my Government and its officers.
I have, &c.,