No. 19.
Mr. Kasson
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Vienna, November 10, 1877.
(Received December 3.)
No. 24.]
Sir: In my dispatch No. 23, I called your attention
to the rupture of the negotiations for a new commercial treaty between this
empire and that of Germany, and to the political significance and influence
of this failure, especially upon the relations of Austria and Hungary.
In view of the effort already indicated to revise our own tariff by the
American Congress, it may be useful to call your attention to the effect of
some of the provisions for free-trade introduced into the Austro-German
commercial treaty of 1867, on account of which Austria has denounced that
treaty. I also inclose herewith original text and translation of the new
tariff bill proposed to Austria-Hungary by the government, with a view to
obviate the injuries to Austrian industry brought on by the too liberal
provisions of the treaty of 1867.
I. The most startling commentary on that very liberal treaty is found in the
aggregate result to Austria of less than ten years’ operation under it. This
result is summed up in an augmentation of 6⅓ per cent. of Austrian Exports
to Germany; of German exports, on the other hand, to Austria there was an
augmentation of about 94 per cent. This was certainly a loud enough warning
to awake the dullest statesman to the necessity of a change of policy by
There was one special provision of the treaty which was disastrous to certain
Austrian manufacturing interests, arising from an unguarded clause, which
allowed goods sent from Austria to Germany to undergo a finishing process,
to be reimported into Austria duty free. The sagacious manufacturers along
the Rhine sent their raw goods, subject to slight Austrian duty, into this
empire, whence they were reforwarded to Germany for the finishing process,
under the treaty, and then returned duty free, ready for market, offering a
ruinous competition to Austrian fabrics.
In the last year for which I have seen the statistics, about 20 per cent.
only of the whole German international trade was with Austria; while about
33 per cent. of that of Austria was with Germany. Thus upon (say) one-fifth
of her foreign commerce Germany, under this free trade, gained over 90 per
cent.; while Austria, on one-third of her foreign commerce, with the same
free trade, gained an insignificant 6 percent.; at the same time she
necessarily lost also so much of her home market as the Germans gained.
Again, while Austrian duties were collected in silver and German in gold,
there was another relative loss to Austria of about 15 per cent. of the
duties assessed. Austria, having only the silver standard, suspended
payment, even in silver, in 1848, and, notwithstanding the late relative
depreciation of silver, has never since been able to resume specie payments.
As the poorer money always expatriates the more valuable, silver has ceased
to circulate, and the people have only irredeemable paper for their use. The
paper is depreciated because it is unredeemable in silver; and the silver is
depreciated because it is not the equivalent of gold; consequently, this
empire, having been compelled to effect
[Page 20]
loans in the money recognized by Europe as the best, is
obliged in turn to buy gold of Europe at a serious loss to pay the interest
on her gold debt. Gold not being her standard, her custom duties are
hitherto payable in silver. To remedy this evil and to lighten this burden,
she notified Germany that henceforth herself, also, must collect duties in
gold; to which naturally Germany objected, as it was so much increase of
duty as was equivalent to the premium on gold.
II. On the other hand, Germany finds herself impeded in respect to her
liberty of action vis-a-vis with France, owing to the
“most favored-nation” clause of her treaty. Austrian wines are allowed to
come in at a low rate, and this is understood to bind German action in
respect to French wines. The German Government, upon this and some other
points, desires to recover liberty of action.
In fact, it is believed here, in many quarters, that both governments feel
the necessity of retracing their steps taken under the free-trade impulse of
the last decade, from 1860 to 1870. I concur in this belief. Austria has
been so seriously injured by the provisions of her treaty, that she has
abundant reason for demanding its termination. Germany desires new
arrangements with France; and, while recovering her liberty of action,
prefers that the responsibility of terminating this free-trade treaty should
rest with Austria, that she herself may then increase her tariff, with
reference to German interests, without advertising an abandonment of the
free-trade policy.
III. As far as my observation extends, the European governments (continental)
are very generally reviewing all their commercial relations and interests in
the sense of self-protection. The era of extraordinary development of both
production and consumption, beginning in the last decade and extending in
this until 1873, rendered the nations inattentive to the inevitable results,
when both supply and the power of fabrication should overpass the legitimate
demand for them. This period was reached before, but not discovered until
1873. The surplus of both power and production then ascertained must be used
or disposed of at whatever loss. In the effort to find a market for this
surplus it necessarily followed, first, that the lowest barrier (by custom
charges) would first and longest receive the overflow which the home market
refused; and, second, that the lowest cost of production would first supply,
and latest withdraw from, the country having the low barriers. So, in the
ultimate solution, free-trade subjected its jurisdiction to the industrial
control of that country which provided its supplies at the lowest cost, and
the home competition was nullified or destroyed in the emergency which
pressed hardest on the country; and home resources were diminished and home
independence overthown. Such has been the experience of Austria, from which
she hopes now to recover by better arrangements for resisting foreign
aggression upon her industries.
IV. The conclusions which I draw from my observation of the present
commercial movements and their causes are as follows:
- First. Customs duties should be collected in the best and least
variable standard money used by any of the commercial nations with
which we have intercourse.
- Second. The customs barrier should be always sufficiently high to
prevent the overflow of other nations from inundating the home
industries which are necessary to national independence, so that
they cease to be maintainable.
- Third. That for general application the “most-favored-nation”
provision is the safest for the basis of commercial treaties, as it
leaves free the national right of adjusting tariffs according to
national interests, which do not always continue the same.
- Fourth. That for special relations with certain countries,
“reciprocity” treaties, being free from the jurisdiction of the
“most-favored-nation” clause, afford the means for developing
national trade in special and profitable interests by a mutual
purchase of special privileges.
V. I beg to call attention to the proposed stipulations in the new tariff
bill of this empire, intended to secure the “most-favored-nation” treatment
for Austrian ships and merchandise by foreign nations in the absence of a
treaty. Also to provisions of Article XIII, in respect to coin offered for
It is proposed that this tariff shall take effect on the 1st of January
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure in No.
projet of a bill for the general customs tariff
of the austro-hungarian empire.
- Article I. The provisions of this law
apply to the general departments of customs and commerce of the
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and have no force outside of the customs
jurisdiction, nor in the special department of customs of the
Kingdom of Dalmatia.
- Article II. All goods imported are
subject to duty if not expressly declared free, and are subject to
that duty which is prescribed in the accompanying tariff of entrance
duties to which the goods belong. Where it is not expressly
otherwise provided in the tariff, goods subject to the excise of
consumption are further liable, according to the relative legal
provisions) to the internal duties of consumption, and the
additional payments of the state, land, or district duties. For the
through shipment of goods there is no duty. In exportation those
objects only which are mentioned in the accompanying tariff of
export duties are subject to such duty as is therein
- Article III. Goods which come from
states which treat Austrian and Hungarian ships, or the goods of
Austrian and Hungarian manufacture, less favorably than those of
other states are subject in importation, in addition to the duty
contained in the tariff, to an additional tax of 10 per cent. of the
regular duty, and if they are declared tree of duty in the tariff,
to a specific tax of 5 per cent. of the commercial value of the
goods, to be fixed according to ordinance.
- Article IV. An alphabetical list of
goods, to be issued according to ordinance, will fix the detailed
order of the different objects in their proper positions in the
tariff of customs according to its meaning and acceptation; when
necessary the same can be enlarged and changed. In the same manner
newly discovered chemical products, being unplaced in the tariff,
would belong to the table of rates 64, E) 3, shall be placed with
regard to their composition and use in another table of
- Article V. Goods composed of different
stuffs which do not belong to small ware (T, div. 61), or are not
otherwise taxed in the tariff, as well as mixtures whose component
parts belong to different tables of rates, are to be taxed according
to their chief constituent parts, and if the same is doubtful
according to that constituent part which is taxed highest in the
tariff. More detailed regulations are reserved for special
- Article VI. The import and through
transit of articles of the government monopoly (cooking salt,
gunpowder, tobacco, and tobacco goods) is only allowed by permission
of the competent authorities. The government is empowered according
to ordinance to limit the trade in certain goods for public reasons,
and especially for sanitary and precautionary reasons. Until further
notice the rules bearing on this subject remain in force.
- Article VII. The following articles are
duty free:
- 1.
- Articles for the personal use of the Emperor.
- 2.
- Articles for the personal use of diplomatic personages,
accredited to the imperial royal court, in accordance with
special regulations.
- 3.
- Leaf-tobacco for national factories; further, cooking
salt, gunpowder, and articles of tobacco for the national
stores, or bought by inhabitants of the duty-free districts
from the depots of consumption there.
- 4.
- Products of the government mines from the imperial royal
factory in Trieste.
- 5.
- Military articles, such as uniforms, articles for
armament, weapons, munitions, army supplies (including
bedding, medicinal and hospital requisites): further, horses
passing between bodies of troops or marine establishments in
and out of the customs
[Page 22]
districts, blasting-powder and explosive material for
military technical experiments of army organization.
- 6.
- Official requisites which are sent by state officials from
abroad into the customs jurisdiction.
- 7.
- The possessions of emigrants from abroad and from without
the customs jurisdiction into it; also machines, and parts
of machines, factory and hand tools belonging to the same,
so far as these articles are intended for their Own use,
appear to be appropriate to their circumstances and show
evidence of continued use; articles of dowry for persons
who, in consequence of their marriage, emigrate into the
customs jurisdiction, as far as they are appropriate to
their circumstances. From this exemption from duty are,
however, excepted all articles subject to a tax for
consumption, cattle, unfinished cloths, and half
manufactured articles; further, raw goods.
- 8.
- Articles of inheritance, such as furniture, house, bed,
and kitchen articles, clothing, bed, body, and table linen,
used factory and hand tools; &c., in so far as they
serve the personal use of the heirs and are appropriate to
their circumstances. From this exemption from duty are
excepted the articles named in article VII, section
- 9.
- Articles of art and science which are for collections of
public scientific and artistic establishments, works of
Austrian and Hungarian artists residing abroad.
- 10.
- Anatomical preparations, skeletons, corpses.
- 11.
- Old articles (antiques, antiquities), if their form allows
of no doubt that their value consists chiefly in their age,
and are intended for no other purpose and use than for
- 12.
- Articles of judicial procedure.
- 13.
- Decorations bestowed, according to ordinance the right is
reserved to arrange the formalities with regard to Article
I, and moreover in accordance with the necessary proofs and
conditions. For the present, the actual rules in this
respect remain in force.
- Article VIII. Further, the following
articles are duty free:
- 1.
- Effects of travelers, such as underclothing, clothing,
bedding, traveling gold and silver ware and other articles
of value, tools of the workmen, as well as the articles and
instruments of artists, clothing of carriers and sailors,
books, articles of nourishment, medicines for use during the
journey, tobacco to an amount specially provided for (at
present not more than 35 grams or 10 cigars), in as far as
these articles are intended for the personal use of the
traveler, and as regards quality and quantity are
appropriate to the position and other circumstances of the
traveler. Also the duty-free entry of household utensils and
furniture is allowed to travelers and persons in the public
service who propose to stay more than one year in
Austro-Hungary and give credible proof of this intention.
The same favor can also be accorded to natives who, after a
residence of more than a year outside of the customs
jurisdiction, return to it.
- 2.
- The means for transportation, such as carriages of
travelers, wagons for the transportation of persons or
goods, sleighs and wheelbarrows, baskets, buckets, and
similar articles for carrying burdens, animals for draught
and burden, vessels (the latter inclusive of the goods on
them, in as far as the ships belong to foreigners, or in as
far as domestic ships carry the same or similar goods as
they had on board at their departure), on the condition that
the wagons for persons bear plain traces of use; and,
moreover, when it appears from the persons and goods
carried, the place of destination, the direction, the means
of transport, the manner of transportation, that the
transportation of persons or goods is intended and that it
is not for the purpose of a duty-free introduction of the
means of transportation.
- 3.
- The provisions of in and out going ships, in which, also,
the beer for the ships and boats on the Danube is
- 4.
- Sample cards and samples in pieces or patterns which are
only to be used as such, excepted, however, all samples of
tobacco and eatables.
- 5.
- The wrappings, &c., in which the dutiable goods are
packed, excepted the cases. a When
the same, according to the rules concerning the tare, must
be reckoned as belonging to the goods. b When the goods are found in wrappings and
conditions in which, according to their form and nature,
they are not usually packed, and which are taxed higher than
the goods themselves.
- 6.
- All goods which weigh less than 25 grams, or those on
which the duty would be less than 2 kreuzer. In cases of
abuse this alleviation as regards single persons or certain
boundary tracts can be for the time suspended.
- 7.
- Goods which are injured wholly in official stores. In so
far as the goods are injured in such a manner that they are
no longer fit for their originally destined use, as, for
instance, on wine, which can be used as vinegar, the
competent financial authority can allow the proper reduction
of duty.
- Article IX. Free of duty are, further:
- 1.
- The articles necessary for the building and fitting up of
ships according to the meaning of the law of the 30th of
March, 1873.
- 2.
- Goods and articles imported into the customs jurisdiction
for improvement, repairs,
[Page 23]
and dressing, under the condition that
the export of the improved, repaired, or dressed goods and
articles occurs within a certain time, fixed in advance by
the financial authority, and the identity of the imported
and exported goods can be proved.
- 3.
- Goods and articles which are exported beyond the customs
jurisdiction for improvement, repairing, or dressing, and
are again imported into the customs jurisdiction improved,
repaired, and dressed, under the conditions in 2.
- 4.
- Goods, with the exception of articles of consumption,
which were exported from the customs jurisdiction to foreign
markets and fairs, or to an uncertain sale, and are brought
back unsold. The rules governing these transport
alleviations are made according to ordinance. Goods, which
were sent abroad for sale, and return unsold, on account of
unforeseen difficulties, without having been in free
circulation, on their re-entrance can be freed from duty by
special permission of the competent financial
- Article X. In the frontier districts are
duty free:
- 1.
- Regarding the agricultural trade on landed property, which
is divided by the customs frontier, the cattle and
implements belonging to it, as well as the seed for
planting; further, the products of the cultivation of it,
and the live stock.
- 2.
- Cattle that cross the boundary for pasturage or work,
returning again, inclusive of the products gained during the
pasturage, such as milk, butter, cheese, wool, and the young
cattle grown in the mean time.
- Article XI. In the presence of probable
circumstances, truly proved by witnesses, the following articles can
be entered free of duty, or at a reduced duty, by the financial
authorities in charge:
- 1.
- The articles of adornment for poor churches and chapels of
the different religions; then the material for the
construction or repairing of such churches and
- 2.
- Articles of nourishment, clothing, and building material,
presented to the domestic inhabitants, injured by fire, or
the other elements, for their sustenance, or the
reconstruction or repairing of their dwellings.
- 3.
- Old articles, bearing traces of use, which persons without
means receive as gifts from abroad.
- Article XII. The government is
empowered, in consequence of international stipulations, by which
the certainty of railroad communications is proposed, so that a
common frontier and trade station is necessary inside the customs
jurisdiction, to allow the duty-free importation of—
- a)
- All materials, implements, and other articles necessary
for the construction and arrangement of the
junction-station, as well as the road between it and the
frontier, as far as the ordering of those necessities is in
the hands of foreign officials, or the foreign railroad
contractors, in consequence of the stipulated undertaking of
the necessary buildings.
- b)
- For all the rolling-stock, implements, and material
necessary for the foreign railroad contractors to the
completion of their contracts, inclusive of articles
necessary for keeping the road in order; further, the same
articles necessary for the service of the foreign frontier
officers, in quantities proved necessary for their
- c)
- The effects, as well as the utensils for the service of
the officials and servants, of the foreign railroad
direction, and of the branch of service of the neighboring
state employed in the domestic customs department.
- Article XIII. The amounts given in the
tariff of duties, inclusive of the weighing, sealing, and invoice
charges, with the exception of sums under two gulden, are payable in
gold. Special regulations decide on what terms silver can be used
for the payment of duties. The agio to be paid on these occasions
will be settled and published from month to month according to the
mean course of gold in the preceding month. The value in gulden
(gold) of the home and foreign gold coins, at which they will be
taken and given on the payment of duties, will be fixed according to
- Article XIV. If on calculation of the
custom duties fractions exist less than a kreuzer, those which are
less than half a kreuzer are to be ignored, and those which are half
a kreuzer and more to be considered a whole kreuzer.
- Article XV. Besides the charges
prescribed in the tariff of rates (duties, license charges,
additional consumption duties), the following extra charges are to
be made in the customs affairs:
- 1.
- The weighing charge is 5 kreuzer per 100 kilograms of raw
weight of those goods whose weight is taken as an act of
official duty, or at the desire of the interested party. For
ascertainment of the weight by calculation for testing
wastage, and for weighing with private scales, as, for
instance, in the customs revision in railroad stations, no
weighing charge is to be made. In reckoning weighing fees,
weights under 50 kilograms will be free, weights of 50
kilograms and over will be considered 100 kilograms; when
the entire weight of the goods is less than 50 kilograms, 3
kreuzer are to be paid as the weighing charge.
- 2.
- The sealing charge is 2 kreuzer for every lead and 1
kreuzer for every wax seal.
[Page 24]
Goods intended for through
transportation provided with the proper certificate are
exempt from the sealing charge, and for the customs closing
of the holds of ships and of the space for freight in
railroad cars, &c., no sealing charge is payable.
- 3.
- The certificate charge is 10 kreuzer for the certificate
to be given to accompany foreign non-dutiable goods. When
through goods, under a change of the original destination,
shall be intended for importation, the proper extra charges
are to be subsequently paid. In the interior, in the traffic
along the customs line, as well as in the management of it,
neither sealing nor certificate charges are to be
- 4.
- The storage charges for goods which are stored in official
depots, in the proportion to be arranged by special
ordinance with regard to local and other circumstances, yet
as a rule not over 1.6 kreuzer per 100 kilograms of raw
weight and the day of the storage. In cases of extraordinary
accumulation of goods, the depot fees can be raised to 2.4
kreuzer for 100 kilograms and the day of the storage. In
regard to the emoluments for official duties which are done
outside of the official places, the charges for official
declarations of goods, and the special water, harbor, and
ship duties, the rules remain as hitherto. In regard to the
payment of fractions under a kreuzer, the rules contained in
Article XIV regarding extra payments remain in force.
- Article XVI. The determination and
changing of the tare will be arranged according to ordinance with
regard to the customary modes of packing and their relative weights
in traffic. For goods on which the duty does not exceed 3 gulden per
100 kilograms, and for the actual inclosures of liquids, there is no
tare rate.
- Article XVII. This law goes into effect
on the 1st January, 1878. At this time the customs tariff of 5th
December, 1853 (R. G. Bl., No. 102, 854), the ad
interim customs tariff of the 30th June, 1865 (R. G. Bl.,
No. 39), and all laws and regulations relating to them, as far as
they are in contradiction with this proposed law, lose all
- Article XVIII. The minister of finance
and the minister of commerce are charged with the execution of this