No. 2.
To the consular officers of the United States
in Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the
Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, and Denmark.
of State,
Washington, April 11, 1878.
Washington, April 11, 1878.
Gentlemen: With reference to the circular addressed to you in August, 1877, in respect to the trade of the United States with foreign countries, it is now deemed desirable that you should make inquiries and report in regard to the following points, viz:
- 1st.
- The rate of wages usually paid to laborers of every class, but with more especial reference to agricultural laborers, mechanical laborers, and those upon public works and railways.
- 2d.
- The cost of living to the laboring class, or the prices paid for what may be termed the necessaries of life.
- 3d.
- So far as practicable, a comparison of the present rates with those prevailing during the past five years, both as to wages and cost of living.
- 4th.
- Such information as may be obtainable touching the present state of trade, whether prosperous or otherwise; the amount and character of paper money, if any, in circulation; and the amount and character of coin, with the relation borne by paper and coin to each other.
- 5.
- And, lastly, such information as may be obtainable as to the business habits and systems of your districts.
It is desired that the information which may come to your knowledge on the foregoing points should be embraced in a report to the Department, to be made as soon as may be practicable.
I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant,
Acting Secretary.
Acting Secretary.