No. 113.
Mr. Noyes
to Mr. Evarts.
Paris, January 11, 1878. (Received January 24.)
Sir: The minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Waddington, replying to my letter communicating your dispatch announcing the final adoption by [Page 170] Congress of the bill providing for the participation of the United States in the Universal Exhibition at Paris, and the appointment of Governor McCormick to be commissioner-general, says, in a letter just received, and dated yesterday:
It was particularly agreeable to me, General, to learn of the appointment of Mr. McCormick, who took so important a part in the organization of the Exhibition of Philadelphia. I hastened to notify the minister of agriculture and commerce of the fact, as well as the French commissioner-general, with whom Mr. McCormick can, from this time, put himself in direct relations in regard to all that concerns the accomplishment of his mission.
I have, &c.,