No. 376.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish.
States Legation, Japan,
Tokei, February 17, 1875.
(Received April 2.)
No. 191.]
Sir: I have the honor to acquaint you with the
fact, as appears by the official communications of the diplomatic
representatives of England and France and his excellency the Japanese
minister for foreign affairs, (copies of which, as published in the Japan
Herald of date the Kith instant, are herewith inclosed inclosures 1 and 2,)
that those two powers have, of their own motion, concluded that the time has
now arrived when the small British and French force now in Yokohama should
be withdrawn” * * *
Whatever may have led to this action, it seems to me to be a timely
recognition of the capacity and the right of Japan to furnish the needful
force to maintain the peace within her own territory. This withdrawal of the
foreign land force may well be taken as some indication that the two powers
named considered this action on their part to be called for in their own
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 191.]
British and French
ministers to the minister for foreign
[From the “Japan Herald,” February 16, 1875.]
Monsieur le Ministry: In conjunction with my
colleague, the minister of France, I have the honor of informing your
excellency that our governments consider that the
[Page 788]
time has now arrived when the small
British and French force stationed at Yokohama should he withdrawn.
In making this communication we feel that we need not recur to the
circumstances under which our governments found it necessary to send a
force to Japan for the protection of their treaty-rights, and to
continue such protection pending the re-establishment of order, and the
constitution of a stable administration. The government of His Majesty
the Tenno will doubtless remember that throughout a period of trouble
and difficulty, inseparable from a revolution so remarkable as that
which has occurred in Japan, the presence of this force has prevented
the serious embarrassments which must have ensued if foreign life or
property had been attacked before the restored government had succeeded
in tranquillizing the country and in consolidating their authority. They
will have seen that in proportion to the progress made in the attainment
of these objects the allied force was gradually reduced, and they will
now appreciate, we trust, the promptness with which the resolution of
our governments to remove the remainder of that force has been taken on
the termination of those difficulties which threatened, until toward the
close of last year, to disturb the peace of Japan.
It affords our governments sincere satisfaction to be able to give His
Majesty the Tenno this spontaneous proof of their good will, and also of
the confidence they repose in the power and the desire of His Majesty’s
government to insure due security to foreigners resident in Japan.
On our own part we have pleasure in observing that the task in which our
troops have been engaged in this country has been performed in a manner
which reflects honor upon themselves and upon Japan. We feel that the
cordial relations which have been maintained between them and the
Japanese officers and people throughout their stay, and the friendly
services which they have mutually rendered each other, have materially
contributed to the growth of good feeling between our respective
I take this opportunity to renew to your excellency the assurance of my
highest consideration.
His Excellency Terashima Munenori,
&c., &c., &c.
[Inclosure 2 No. 191.]
The minister for foreign
affairs to French
[From the, Japan Herald,” February 16, 1875.]
Sir: It has given me much pleasure to peruse
the detailed explanation which you have given me in your dispatch of the
27th ultimo of the circumstances under which your government and that of
France have now resolved to withdraw entirely the force hitherto
stationed at Yokohama for the protection of the treaty-rights of the
subjects of your two countries.
Owing to the unsettled condition of this country before the revolution,
those troops were sent here for the protection of your country’s
subjects, but in consequence of the re-establishment of a national
government by His Majesty the Tenno, and the increasing intimacy of our
foreign relations, our nation, as actual experience has shown, has
implicitly adhered to the policy of the government in these two
respects. The time, therefore, has arrived when (your government and
that of France) have resolved upon withdrawing your force altogether, a
circumstance from which both our governments derive the highest
satisfaction. I have no doubt that the cordiality of the relations
between them will be still more enhanced by this measure.
I should also observe that it gives me much pleasure to recognize the
good feeling which has marked the intercourse, with all classes of our
people, of the troops which; are now to be removed, during the period of
their stay here.
I need scarcely say that it is the hope of this government to maintain on
the same cordial footing the existing friendship between the subjects of
our respective countries.
I have, &c.,
Minister for
Foreign Affairs.