No. 371.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish.
Tokei, January 2, 1875. (Received February 8.)
Sir: I have the honor to report that, in pursuance of an invitation extended to me by His Majesty the Emperor through the minister for foreign affairs, I joined my colleagues at the imperial palace on the 1st instant to tender my congratulations to the Emperor.
My colleagues and myself being duly presented to His Majesty, Sir Harry Parkes, as dean of the diplomatic corps, read to His Majesty, on behalf of himself and colleagues, an address, a copy of which is herewith inclosed, to which His Majesty, as will be seen from the copy of his reply herewith, was pleased to express his thanks and congratulations.
You will observe that the Emperor, in the address of last year as also in the address of this year, expressly named presidents as well as sovereigns as the chief executives of friendly states represented at his court.
It gives me pleasure to note that on this occasion Her Majesty the Empress was present.
I am, &c.,