No. 686.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Russell.
Washington, June 7, 1875.
Sir: Your dispatch, No. 64, of the 5th ultimo has been received.
In view of the instruction which has been given you to demand payment of the sum alleged to have been deposited by the Venezuelan government to the credit of the United States, it is supposed that no special instruction may at this juncture be required with reference to that paragraph of President Blanco’s message which relates to that deposit. If occasion should offer, however, you will give that government distinctly to understand that any such review of the proceedings of the joint commission on claims, as appears to be expected, will never be consented to by this. Such a concession would, it is believed, not only be unprecedented, but would be a measure unwise in itself and of bad omen and influence for all governments, including that of Venezuela.
I am, &c.,