No. 672.
Mr. Caldwell to Mr. Fish.

No. 22.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the anniversary of our national independence was celebrated on the 5th instant with circumstances of unusual cordiality and enthusiasm. Flags were displayed on all the public buildings, and the national salute was fired by Her Majesty’s ship Amethyst, (there being no United States saluting ship in the bay,) and replied to by cannon from the fort. All the cabinet officers, most of the military officers in full uniform, and a large representation from the civil employés of the government called at this legation and tendered their congratulations upon the anniversary of the birthday of the great republic.

All the ministers and consuls of foreign powers, naval officers from all the men-of-war in the bay, citizens of various nations, to the number of several hundred, thronged the legation in the day and evening, and in toasts and speeches, as well as by their presence, testified their sympathy with our institutions and their admiration of our great prosperity.

The government sent me five bands of music, which played during the day and night. In the evening the public building, where the congress holds its sessions, was most brilliantly illuminated.

Very respectfully, &c.,