No. 664.
Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish.
Cairo, August 31, 1875. (Received September 27.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the Sultan of Zanzibar, Seid Burrgacsh Ben Said, arrived at Alexandria on the 4th instant, coming from Paris, via Marseilles, and on his way to Zanzibar. His Majesty was warmly received by the Khedive, and most hospitably entertained during his short sojourn at Alexandria. On the 9th, the Sultan came to Cairo, where he remained until the 24th, the guest of the [Page 1352] Khedive. On the 20th instant I had the pleasure of paying my respects to His Majesty, with whom I was very favorably impressed. He has a pleasing address, and is possessed of more vivacity of spirits than is usually found among orientals. He is bright and intelligent, and seems to have been deeply interested and impressed with all he saw in England and France. It appeared to me, from his remarks, that he felt humiliated at the thought of the insignificance of his own country as compared with the countries he had just visited; but he seemed ambitious to inaugurate measures which might benefit Zanzibar and render her of more importance in the eyes of the world. He informed me that he had just received a dispatch announcing the death, at Zanzibar, of the United States consul.
His Majesty left Cairo on the 24th instant, and embarked at Suez for Zanzibar on the same day. He will be conveyed to his destination by one of the Khedive’s steamers, which has been placed entirely at the Sultan’s service during his homeward voyage.
I am, &c.,