No. 643.
Mr. Hunter to Aristarehi
Washington, August 27, 1875.
Sir: Your note from New York, of the 25th instant, has been received. It requests the withdrawal from Tripoli of certain United States men-of-war, [Page 1321] of the presence of which you say your government had been apprised.
In reply, I have to state that this Department has no other official knowledge than that contained in your note as to the visit of such vessels to that place, or as to the object of that visit, as represented by you. Inasmuch, however, as, on behalf of your government, which you say claims Tripoli as its dependency, you express a disposition to examine any complaints which this Government may have against Tripolitan authorities, and to give lawful and just satisfaction therefor, the Secretary of the Navy has been requested to order the departure of any United States men-of-war which may be at Tripoli. It is to be understood, however, that this step must not imply any such acknowledgment of the sovereignty of the Sublime Porte in that quarter as would impart invalidity to the treaties between the United States and Tripoli as an independent power. All matters connected with this question will be reserved for such discussion hereafter as may be deemed necessary.
I avail myself of this occasion sir, to offer to you the assurance of my very high consideration.
Acting Secretary.