No. 618.
Mr. Rublee
to Mr. Fish.
Berne, October 24, 1874. (Received November 18.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on the 22d instant the two houses of the national assembly met in joint convention for the election [Page 1281] of the members of the new federal tribunal, which will have its seat at Lausanne.
The following gentlemen were elected: Messrs. Jules Roguin, of the canton of Vaud; J. J. Blumer, of Glarus; J. K. P. Morel, of St. Gallen; F. Anderwert, of Thurgau; Gustave Pictet, of Geneva; R. Niggeler, of Berne; Alois Kopp, of Lucerne; Joseph Blæsi, of Solothurn; and Olgiati, of Granbünden.
With the exception of Messrs. Niggeler and Olgiati, the judges-elect are at present members of the national assembly.
On yesterday the assembly elected Mr. Blumer as president, and Mr. Roquin as vice-president of the tribunal.
I am, &c.,